Lord Braham Photo
Shree Durga Mata Photo
Durga Puja was the majority imperative fair of Bengalis. Which is consisting of string of ritual of this five days the extended return of reception of the Goddess of Durga which is very close to Bengalis mind and was soul Durga Puja means more to us? Than presently a religious festival.
It is the party of existence, society, well-liked it was a moment of approaching jointly, of reunion and renewal, of the rebirth of our faithfulness and final but not the slightest, the period to worship, to divide and to worry.

Wallpaper of Hindu Goddess Durga

The Mouse Chief Reepicheep from CS Lewis' Prince Caspian.
Sanskrit Quote : Category Self-Control
उसुकार नमयन्ति तेजनम्।
दारुं नमयन्ति तच्चका
अत्तानं दमयन्ति पण्डिता॥
English Translation of Sanskrit Quote:
Irrigators direct the water,Fletchers fashion the shaft, Carpenters bend the wood,
The wise control themselves.
Commentary on Sanskrit Quote:-
This time I have sought to translate a pali couplet taken from "Dhammapada". Dhammapada is said to be a compilation of the Buddha's words spoken on various occasions. I am always moved by the simplicity of the language of the Buddha. He concerned himself with the wellbeing of the masses. Always simple and direct in his teachings, he addresses, both your intellect and your heart. The heart seems to converse with this sage who left us thousands of year ago. No one has ever spoken so clearly, succinctly and directly as Him.
Just look at this simple but potent message for example. The mere juxtaposition of the last line with the other three simple ones in the above couplet, makes it all the more significant and forceful.
It is the profession of the irrigators to see that the water flows in the right direction for the farmers to do cultivation. In the same way the duty of the fletchers is to shape arrows, so they shoot easily and pierces the target successfully. The carpenters are the ones who can bend the wood as they like to fashion furniture. Likewise, the Buddha says it is the work of a wise man to control himself.
Humans behave as if they are programmed to perform. They are conditioned to act in a certain way like the robots. Unless they observe themselves and know the truth about the world, they are bound to suffer untold miseries infinitely. In his view, controlling oneself is the highest achievement that can adorn a human being. An unawakened man is a bundle of negativities. These negativities replicate themselves at the first opportunity that presents itself.
It is the Buddha's crowning glory that he not only awakened himself, but paved the way for the liberation (Nibbana) of millions and millions of souls bound by the laws of karma. He perfected the "Insight meditation" or "Vipassana" and through the lineage of ordained monks, made it freely available for whosoever wishes to be liberated.
Through the couplet mentioned above, the Buddha means to say that for a wise man, controlling himself must be a prime concern and not a hobby. Taking refuge in the triad of Jewels, the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha is the first step in the right direction.
Garuda God
Hindu God Garuda is the King of the birds as he preserves mock the twist with the rate of his escape. Garuda is one of the three main animal gods in the Hindu myths, evolved behind Vedic stage in Indian history. The further two are Ganesh or Ganesha the elephant-headed god, and Hanuman, the monkey spirit.
Garuda has the heads, wings, talons, and beak of an eagle and the body and also limbs of a man. Garuda has a white face, red wings and Golden body.
Garuda is well known by further name Vinayaka, which he split with Lord Ganesh. Therefore, this god-bird is thinking to be remover of difficulty. Garuda is not independently worshipped as an independent god. Garuda is worshipped jointly with Vishnu. His Images is located near Vishnu in temples and in pictures he is represent transport Vishnu in the sky on its back.
The senior brother of Garuda is Urud or we can say Aruna, who is charioteer of Surya, the sun deity. Garuda’s son is Jatayu. This bird ( Jatayu) try to release Sita, when Ravana was fleering behind capture her. Ravana fights him and wounds him seriously.
While the serpents got the amrita they were delighted and large Vinata. Garuda got his mother reverse although he becomes a confirmed rival of the serpents, the sons of his mother’s rival Kadru. Also the serpents, the Nagas, represent evil and that mechanically invoked Garuda’s hate.

Photo of God Garuda

Hindu God Garuda Photo

God Garuda Wallpaper

God Garuda Photo
Lord Satyanarayana Bhagwan, Hindu god Vishnu
Satyanarayana is a form of the Hindu god Vishnu, who is widely revered across many parts of India. The deity, Lord Satyanarayana, is particularly associated with truthfulness and is often worshiped during the ritual known as Satyanarayan Vrat or Puja. This ritual is commonly performed to seek the blessing of health, wealth, prosperity, opulence, education; relief from troubles and sickness. It can be observed by anyone, without any strict adherence to caste or creed.
In typical depictions, Lord Satyanarayana is shown as a very benevolent form of Vishnu, seated on a lotus flower, often with his consort Lakshmi. The iconography usually presents him with four hands, each holding a conch, a discus, a lotus and a mace. The imagery might also include scenes from the Satyanarayana Katha, a narrative dedicated to his glories and miracles. This worship and its stories emphasize truth, morality, and the importance of fulfilling promises made to God.
"Chaturbhuj" Vishnu refers to the
depiction of the Hindu god Vishnu with four arms (Chatur = four; Bhuj = arms).
This form symbolizes his immense power and all-encompassing nature. In this
form, each of his hands typically holds a symbolic object:
- Shankh (Conch Shell): Usually
in the upper left hand, the conch represents the primal sound of creation
and the element of water.
- Chakra (Discus): Often
in the upper right hand, the discus symbolizes the mind and Vishnu's
sovereignty over the world.
- Gada (Mace): The
mace in the lower right hand represents physical and mental strength.
- Padma (Lotus Flower): The
lotus in the lower left hand signifies purity and transcendence.
Chaturbhuj Vishnu is depicted as calm and
peaceful, usually with a serene smile and a posture of grace and majesty. He is
often shown standing or seated on a lotus, wearing ornate jewellery and
clothes, and having a rich blue skin tone that signifies his infinite nature.
This form of Vishnu is widely worshipped and is a central figure in many Hindu
traditions and stories, representing the preservation aspect of the universe.
Hindu Goddess Bhairavi
Bhairavi is the methods for the worship of Tripura-Bhairavi have been described in the blessed texts for the achievement of success above the physical request and all surrounding development.
Bhairavi who is also known as Kala-Bhairavi is the presiding goddess of this decaying-world. Her complexion is red similar the thousands of rising-sun, wears smooth clothes and has a garland of heads roughly her collar. Goddess Bhairavi lips are marked with blood.
She has three eyes and possesses a moon in her top. She has a swag in her hand and is an embodiment of facts, bravery, and boons. Present is a soft smile on her lips.
One of her dhyana mantras, that of Sampatprada-bhairavi, says that she is intoxicated with her youth, and most descriptions of her, despite her association with destruction, he say that she is beautiful, young, and shapely.
Ragam Bhairavi is higher than the family tree which is known as Natabhairavi, proclaims violin virtuoso Kunnakudi Vaidhyanathan. Here is a logic of special pride while he says that Bhairavi, a derivative of Natabhairavi, must be improve which is known because of its individual attributes.
It is an piece of trust with him and his father Kunnakudi Ramaswami Sashtri that Bhairavi which is the embodiment of goddess Shakti.

Goddess Bhairavi Wallpaper