

mantra om (AUM)

OM Mantra (Aum)

Aum, om mantra, aum symbal,


Meaning of Om

A=Akaram tamasa (darkness, inertia, ignorance) A stands for Creation.
U=Ukaram rajasa (passion, activity, dynamism) U stands for Preservation.
M=Makaram Sattva (purity, truth, light) M stands for Destruction or dissolution.

Mandukya Upanisad also preach in sloka about Om/Aum (800-500 BC). 

Harihi/om/ Om-Ethyatadakshara-midam Sarvam
Thasyopavyakhyanam bhootham Bhavad-Bhavi-
Shyadhithi Sarva-Om-Kara-Eva

Om, the word, is all this. A clear explanation of it is the following All that is past, present and future, verily, Is OM, That which is beyond the three Periods of time is also, indeed, OM. What happened before what is now and what will be later entirely is Om.

OM is the mother of all languages, Om (AUM) is the name of the lord, A(Akaram) is the first letter in the Sanskrit.
A = Brahma (the creator), The first Alphabet A(Akaram) sound that comes from the belly(The Stomach), is formed in the open throat, and is voiced with the mouth open, As with many alphabet sounds.OM or Aum The first one "A" is Shape or form like earth, trees, or other object's.

U = Vishnu (the sustainer), The second Alphabet is the U(Ukaram) sound that is formed in the middle of the mouth. The mouth is not as wide as it is for sounding the A.Om or Aum in second alphabet is "U" means Shapeless or formless like Air,
Water, Fire.

M = Shiva (the destroyer), The third alphabet M(Makaram) the mouth closes. The sound rises to the nasal passages, from where the resonance, the forth aspect of "OM" issues forth.

Om or Aum the third alphabet is "M" neither shapeless or shape but still exists like Energy. when we combine all three alphabets we get OM/AUM. OM is the sound of the universe It represents the past present and future Om or Aum is of supreme importance in Hinduism, Om is one of the Hindu Mantra Om is a sacred syllable representing  Brahman Once you said OM mantra you have said everything.

More Information for Om - Aum

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