

Significance of Hanuman Gada (Mace)

Hanuman Gada (Mace) is carried in the right hand of Lord Hanuman. It is a symbol of self-sovereinty, the authority of governance and the power to rule. The gada is the main weapon of the Hindu god Hanuman. 

The mace represents concentrated prana (life). Like earth moves around sun and gathers life force from it and stores it, similarly mace also moves around the body to gather life force to be used by its practitioner. It is considered a sign of bravery, immense physical strength, virility and radiance like the sun. 

The Mace that Hanuman is adorned with is not a physical weapon, but is symbolic of one who is the embodiment of moral and spiritual values. It is carried in the right hand as a symbol of self-sovereignty, authority of governance and the power to rule. 

To be adorned with this ornament, one must have complete control over the five organs of action, the five organs of perception and the five vices of anger, greed, ego, lust and attachment. 

When the mace is held in the right hand of the beholder in the upraised position, it means that there is agitation judgmental and controlling power is required to bring the situation to normalcy. 

When the mace is lowered and held relaxed from the right hand with its pointed tip just in front the right instep, it signifies that there is orderliness and contentment in the society. 

When the beholder sits in the meditative lotus position with the mace resting by his right side on the ground with the pointed end in full view, it is said that there is total peace, prosperity and happiness, where everyone is contented and there is an abundance of everything. 

There are vertical and horizontal lines on the mace of Lord Hanuman. The vertical lines represent the raja component, whereas the horizontal one's represent the tama component; thus the mace is a symbol of raja-tama, supported by sattva. A combination of raja-sattva signifies a warrior-spirit. That Lord Hanuman always carries a mace means His warrior-spirit is always active. The mace is also a symbol of Dissolution.

Jai Sri Ram 

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