

Why iskCON is wrong

International Society of Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) is a religious society – or CULT, started by Prabhupada who is a Gaudiya Vaishnava. They are different from other societies or schools of Hinduism by the fact that ISKCON acts like a marketing corporation. While other schools of Hinduism focuses on inner peace and other philosophical elements, ISKCON goes around saying ‘JOIN HERE! JOIN HERE! Be our devotee’. Their intentions are no different than the facebook pages you see around – to make people join their venture so that they get enough publicity and money. What do the devotees gain from this? A shortcut to Nirvana, eternal peace…and so on regardless whatever acts they do in their daily life. What do the prabhus of iskCON gain from this? Money, lavish life styles, respect from devotees, free trip to tourist places and many more.

Bhaktivedanta Swami a.k.a Prabhupada began ISKCON under the philosophies of Gaudiya Vaishnavists. A school that is just 500 years old which was found by Caitanya Mahaprabhu. There weren’t much people following this sect until Prabhupada started ISKCON some 50 years ago. Why? The philosophies and ideals of this sect are in stark contrast with the core philosophies of Hinduism/ Sanatana Dharma. It is clear from his speeches that Prabhupada had no philosophical or psychological knowledge and his statements were hollow. He delivered statements such as “Women have less knowledge than men” and “Love Krishna or love vagina”. He failed to attract philosopher and scientists, people with rational thoughts and sceptics. Such people bowed down to the words of Swami Vivekananda. No people spoke against the philosophies of Swami Vivekananda. However, only desperate people seeking ‘eternal happiness’ who believe in heaven and hell follows Prabhupada and his society blindly.

ISKCON calls Lord Shiva an “Anti-Vedic God” stating that he is not present in the Vedas. Ironically, ‘Rudra’ is present in Vedas and the case is different.. What is the sacred text of Hinduism? It’s the four Vedas- Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda and Adharva Veda. They are ‘shruti’ (revealed). They are the words of almighty himself while every other texts such as puranas and ithihasas are ‘smriti’(remembered) are written by sages after studying the Vedas. If you didn’t get what I mean.
Here is an equation: 1+1=2
Here is an illustration of the equation: Dev had 1 apple. Maya gave another apple to Dev. Now, Dev have 2 apples.
While the equation is difficult to understand by the common people, the sages drew the illustration to make the ideas of Vedas be understandable to every single person.

This is why there are many versions of Ramayana, Puranas, and different stories of creation. i.e. it doesn’t make any difference if Dev was Ray and it was Orange instead of apple. The idea of ‘1+1=2’ is the same.
This is the Vedas. The supreme sacred book. If any other book of Hinduism contradicts with the Veda then Vedas are given priority and the latter idea is ruled out. So, what is the sacred book of iskCON?
It’s ‘Bhagavad Gita AS IT IS”. When you hear ‘as it is’ you think it’s the original Bhagavad Gita. It’s not. It’s just the version of Prabhupada who gave it the title ‘as it is’ to fool people all over the world. The devotees of ISKCON never read the Bhagavad Gita commented by other sages such as Shankaracharya, Dayananda etc. They are arrogant and consider Prabhupada’s version as the final word of God and consider even the Vedas as inferior. The deity ‘Radha’ which the followers of iskcon worship is not even present in BhagavataPurana. ‘Radha’ was just a character introduced by Jayadev in his poems.

In Prabhupada’s version of Bhagavad Gita, Krishna is the supreme God, the ultimate one and every other Gods of the Hindu pantheon bow down to him. This is absolute stupidity, The Vedas proposes the Advaita. That all Gods are one and the formless God Parabrahma is the supreme God. When someone says this, the iskcon devotee or prabhu would take down the “BhagvadGita As it is” and points the verses were Krishna says he is the supreme one. This is the behaviour of the followers of Abrahamic Religions. They say “Jesus is the only God” and “if you don’t believe me see here in the Holy Bible”. Same with the Muslims supporting their views using Quran. Let’s say I write a book stating that I’m the most handsome guy in the world. How do you like if I say “I’m the most handsome guy in the world….and if you don’t believe me …see…its written this book”. How about the fact that Superman exists because it is there in his comics. The views of iskcon are written by their own people. I once had a Sivastakam posted in this blog and people were asking me why it says Siva chants Vishnu’s name and such things. I was confused and referred a bit more and found out that this version of Sivastakam was written by none other than Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the founder of Gaudiya Vaishnava. It is no wonder he wrote it that way. It’s like some American write a poem saying Nelson Mandela bowed down to Obama and 500 years later followers of Obama would say ‘see….it’s in this poem. Nelson Mandela worshipped Obama’.

" People often confuse that , 'As it is' means true with out own interpretations . But it is not really so. It is just from 'Gaudiya perspective' only . such things are called COMMENTARIES (Bhashya) only. Adi sankara ( Advaita) , Ramanuja (Vishistadvaita) Madvacharya (Dvaita)etc have written Bhasyas only. They didn't call their Bhasyas as 'Bhagavad Gita AS IT IS' . They are very humble . But Srila Prabhupada showed his stupidity in the Very TITLE it self. This shows his arrogance and hedonistic attitude towards other schools. He Presented Krishna as someone like Biblical God or some Koranic God who want people to worship him only and calling others as Demi gods. This is filthy and foolish as well. If this continues , people may develop wrong concept against Bhagavad Gita. just like 'koran' .
BhagavadGita teaches equality of all paths Gnyana , Karma, Bhakti and Rajayogas. here words of Krishna should not be understood like words of 'Monopolist and Dictator god who seeks sadistic pleasure by ordering his creation to worship him otherwise they will not be liberated. ' These interpretations are suitable for Islam and christianity.
"- Courtesy the blog - ISK'CON'
The 'Maha' Mantra - "Hare Krishna Hare Rama" is considered to be the most powerful and greatest (Maha) mantra by the ISKCON devotees. However this mantra itself is distorted. People
have their own favorite mantras. Some like to chant the Gayatri Mantra and some prefer the Mrityujnaya Mantra. Yet, the Vedas or puranas never even once said any mantra was the greatest. The Vedas don't have a note below the mantra saying "this is the best one".

Everyother sacred texts of Hinduism, every other sects and schools, every single one are all opposed to the ideas of iskcon and the gaudiya vaishnava cult. The ‘Brahma Samhita’ which also states that Shiva worshipped Krishna was also written by the gaudiya vaishnavas 500 years ago. The iskcon prabhus fail to point out any other sacred text apart from the distorted ones of their own in support of their views. They are indeed Anti-Vedic.
How did the iskCON succeed? Their marketing skills ofcourse. Let’s see how it is established.
Emotionally sensitive people are in desperate need for a superior figure to bow down to. The Christians have the Christ, the Muslims have Allah and so on. While in Hinduism there are 300 Million Gods and everyone is a single force – the Nirakara Rupa Parabrahma. Parabrahma doesn’t have a form so can’t be worshipped. People take their favourite God. Some Shiva, some Vishnu, some Ganesha etc. Krishna is one of the popular Gods and is a heroic figure in Hinduism. Instead of doing things mysteriously up in the sky, he came down to earth and lived like a human. Iskcon picked Krishna labelling the ‘Gaudiya Vaishnava’ way. Ok, Krishna is been worshipped for ages. There are thousands of temples in India for Krishna. People all visit them without any biased view. What do the iskCON have to do to bring all those people exclusively inside their temple? Make people believe that everyother Gods in Hinduism are inferior and Krishna is the only supreme God.

This is a difficult job because the Puranas and Vedas have a different view. ‘Let’s distort it’, iskcon thought.  Trimurti- the three ultimate Gods of Hinduism- BrahmaDev, Vishnu and Shiva. Nobody worships BrahmaDev apparently. Vishnu? Let’s just say that Vishnu is only an avatar of Krishna and Krishna is the supreme one. WOW! Nobody ever did such a distortion to Hinduism. Check out every single book of Hinduism and try to find if any one of it (apart from the one written by Gaudiya Vaishnavas) which supports this blasphemy. They made Krishna their 'Father' and Caitanya Mahaprabhu their 'Jesus'. Now, onto the arch enemy of iskCON- Lord Shiva. They said,
“Shiva is a demi-god.
He cannot grant wishes. He only has the control over material elements. He can’t help you attain Nirvana.
Shiva is the best Vaishnava and the greatest devotee of Krishna.
The worshippers of Shiva are brute, alcoholic womanizers. They don’t have artistic sense and they behave like barbarians.
Shiva once said to Yashoda “Give me atleast the chance to eat the remnants of Krishna” in Mathura.
Shiva is a barbaric God. He needs human sacrifices, blood and skulls of people to be pleased.”
Those who are exposed to the views of iskCON find it difficult even to talk about Lord Shiva. Thus they all focus their attention to the only supreme God, Krishna. However, only common people seeking the short cut to ‘eternal happiness’ follow this. Just like the Christians. “Jesus died for your sins. Believe in him and you’ll have the entry to heaven irrespective the sins you did in your life.” While the ‘Karma’ law of Hinduism is of different nature. There is no heaven or hell. Only Life after Death or Niravana. That life depends upon the acts you do in this one. Karma states every action has its consequences which is scientifically proven. Every intellectual believer of Hinduism even atheists believe in this philosophy. ISkcon proposes a shortcut to happiness. No wonder why selfish people blindly follow them- they just need a prosperous life regardless whatever sins they do.

Actually, Krishnais an avatar of Lord Vishnu. In every age, when evil becomes dominant, Vishnu will incarnate on earth to defeat it. In the Dwapara Yuga, Vishnu incarnated as Krishna in human form. He did his Karma and died. Even there is a story behind that. Rama, the previous avatar of Vishnu killed Vanara King Bali by cheating. Knowing that what he did was wrong, Rama said, “you will kill me the same way, while I’m not aware of your attack, in our next life”. Just as he said, Krishna was the reincarnation of Rama and while he was sleeping in a jungle, a hunter (reincarnation of Bali) shot Krishna with an arrow thinking that he was a deer by just seeing his feet. Thus the law of Karma is even applicable to Gods in human forms. Krishna died, but Vishnu still lives. Because he is timeless like Lord Shiva.

ISKCON has been doing whatever they can to degenerate other Gods of Hinduism. There are instances such as the prabhus of iskcon preaching things like ‘I was a Shiva devotee when I was young. Wanted to offer my skull to ShivaLinga but didn’t find the courage or sword to do it.’
What an imprudent scenario!
Search the whole sacred texts of Hinduism and you’ll never see an instance where anyone offering his skull to LordShiva to make him pleased. How can it be? The person will die after he cuts his head, how can he take that to ShivaLinga after his death? This statement of the Prabhu’JI’ was intended to give a wrong impression of Lord Shiva to the people. They will misunderstand Shiva as some demon barbaric God like that of the Mayans or Celts who seeks sacrifice of humans. “It is better to worship Krishna”, they’ll think. People with lesser knowledge on Hinduism, who never read any Puranas or Vedas are prone to believe such distorted ideas of these fake prabhus. While, people who know what Hinduism is, the reality of the Gods in it and the significance of Lord Shiva will only spit at iskCON. That is why iskCON have better success in countries other than India. Indians know the truth about Hinduism but a person new to it would believe whatever distorted philosophies the bogus prabhus propose.

ISKCON are known for their frequent filing of lawsuits, murders, sex scandals and money handling. The prabhus and their followers find ‘inner peace’ by dancing around “ding dong” and speaking against Vedas and other Gods of Hinduism. 

iskcon is wrong 2

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