

The Divine Mother- Adi parashakti

As per Devi Puran Adhi Parashakti is considered to be a main source of energy for the creation of the whole universe
As Per science which says the earth and all planets are created by a concept of Star explosion from Blackhole . Similarly the creation of the whole universe is described in Durga puran
From Nirakar to Sakkar ( form of Nothing to a Form of something) then the creation begins
In Complete hindu mythology many people have many doubts regarding the  Adhi Parashakti

Trinity - Shiva , Vishnu , Brahma was created by Adhi Parashakti
Trinity of goddess - MahaKali, Maha Lakshmi , Maha Saraswathi  where made as soulmates to the trinity to full fill their duties successfully.

For Creation of Male and And Female beings ,Shiva and MahaKali were in ardhanarishwar form
Then to help Brahma- Shiva was forced to sacrifise Mahakali - then adhi Parashakti  Granted a boon to Shiva saying - she would be his companion when she take form of human - Sati, Parvathi .Hence Parvathi Devi - considered to be Adhi parashakti.and also said that Shiva needs to do penance for long time to become eligible for the Adhi Parashakti Human form. which makes him Devonka Dev.

Since then Rudhra , Shiva keeps on doing penance and once Parvathi and Shiva are united his ardanarishwar form is also regained and he has equal powers as Adhi parashakti in form of Parvati is his soulmate.

Adi Shakti diversion to groups

Sati- As Sati Devi was dead hear human form body parts fell across the world
Shakti Peetas ,(believed to be 108 , and 52 recognised , 18 main )

   Parvati or Complete Incarnation of Adishakti
        Durga as Rajsik
            Navadurga - 9 forms  of Durga
        Kali as Tamsik
            Das Mahavidya - 10 Main Knowledge
        Kaushiki as Satvik
             Asta Matrikas - 8 Matrikas
             Ashta Lakshmi
 Saptha Saraswathi(Suprabha - Pushkar, Kamdhanakshi- Naimisharanyam, Vishala- Gaya, Manorama- Uthara Kosala,OghaWathi- Kurukshetram, Surenu- Haridwar, Viman odhaka- imalayas)

Children are more familiar with the mother than with the father. Mother is an embodiment
of affection, tenderness and love. She looks after the wants of the children. Whenever a child wants
anything it approaches the mother rather than the father. In spiritual matters also the aspirant has
more concern with Mother Kali than Father Siva. Siva is indifferent to the external world. He is
unattached. He is lost in Samadhi with His eyes closed. It is Sakti or the Divine Mother alone who
really looks after the affairs of the world. She will introduce to Her Lord for the attainment of final
emancipation when She is pleased with the earnestness of the devotee.
Siva and Sakti are inseparable. This is shown in Ardhanarisvara—Siva and Parvati (with
one body, half-male and half-female). Lord Siva has Parvati as the left half of His body.
Siva-Jnana leads us on to the realisation of Self and bestows on us eternal bliss and frees us
from births and deaths. It shows us the light of life. It is the eye of intuition. It is the third eye of Siva.
This third eye destroys all illusions and passions.
Sakti is thought of in various forms. Sarasvati is the Goddess of learning. Lakshmi is the
Goddess of wealth. Parvati or Uma is the bliss-bestowing Goddess.
The Markandeya Purana contains seven hundred verses which are known as the Sapta-sati
or the Chandi or the Devi-Mahatmya. It is one of the most famous religious texts of the Hindus. It
ranks almost equal with the Gita. It describes in an allegorical form, that in the path of salvation the
chief obstacles are our own desire, anger, greed and ignorance and we can overcome them through
the grace of Divine Mother if we sincerely worship Her.
The book gives a beautiful description of the three aspects of the Mother as Mahakali,
Mahalakshmi and Maha Sarasvati—the Tamasic, the Rajasic and the Sattvic aspects of the Divine
The Devas were oppressed by the Asuras. The gods invoked the blessings of Divine Mother.
She appeared as the above three forms and destroyed the Asuras and protected the gods. The Divine
Mother has given men as well as gods, Her definite and infallible promise that whenever they would
remember Her in danger or difficulties She would save them.

Sakti Energises the Trimurtis
O Lord Siva! Silent adorations unto Thee! Thou art the only refuge, the only object of
adoration, the one Governor of the Universe, the self-effulgent Being. Thou art the creator,
preserver and destroyer of the universe. Thou art the Highest, the Immovable, the Absolute.
Sakti is the energy or the vital power that makes any activity possible. When a man does any
work he does it only by virtue of his Sakti. If he is unable to do the work he says that he has no Sakti
to do that work. Hence Sakti is that which enables one to work. Sakti is Devi. Sakti is the Divine
Mother. Mind is Sakti. Prana is Sakti. Will is Sakti.
Devi Bhagavata deals with the forms of Prakriti. Devi took the Trimurtis to Her abode in
Manidvipa, gave them their consorts Sarasvati, Lakshmi and Parvati and sent out for the life of
universe in the new Kalpa.
Lord Narayana created Brahma from His navel. Brahma did not know what to do. Vishnu
and Siva also did not know how to set going the life of a new universe in a new Kalpa after the
dissolution. They were lifted in a Vimana or celestial car and they soon reached a strange region
where they were transformed into women. They were in a land of women headed by Devi. It was
Manidvipa in the Sudha Samudra, the ocean of nectar. The newly made women stayed there, for a
hundred years. They did not know who they were, why they were there and what they were to do.
Then they were put in the company of men and they themselves became men. They were
coupled, Brahma with Sarasvati, Vishnu with Lakshmi and Siva with Parvati. They found
themselves at once in their original place and they knew what to do. They understood their
functions. The Trimurtis attain Sakti through association with the Devi.
Parvati is the Sakti of Lord Siva who bestows Jnana and Mukti on men. Lakshmi is the Sakti
of Vishnu who gives prosperity to the people. Sarasvati is the Sakti of Brahma who creates the
world. Radha is the Sakti of Lord Krishna who leads humanity to Mukti through Bhakti.

Association with Trimurti as original Self

In Devi Purana, It is written that when different sages were asking the great sage Suta, who have listened the Purana from Lord Krishna himself, that if all the puranas like Shiv Purana, Vishnu Puranas etc claims that if Trimuti are eternal and nobody is superior to them in this Brahmanda (World) and also that trinity is oneness and oneness is trinity then Please tell us who is Adi Parashakti, whom you are talking about? How she took birth? When she was born. please tell us!

Suta Said There is no one who can answer you this. Since Brahma, Narada and other eternal sages are bewildered by these questions. Some people worship Lord Vishnu having all the powers and the one who is omnipresent. And some claiming Lord Shiva with half body of Parvati is supreme. In Vedas it is written that worship of Sun is the best. They name highest soul Surya as Paramatama. Others claiming that Lord Vishnu is actual expression of all the deities. The Great Brahmins provide three proves called perception, inference, and verbal testimony. But some other Brahmins added 4th proof to them that is resemblance. Another intelligent pandit added fifth proof called circumstances, presumption, implication at last two authors added two more proves called Sakshi and Aitijya. But Vedanta said that Supreme Being and main source of Universe can not be analyzed through these proves. One should have sure reason to claim. All are claiming and repeating one name directly or indirectly i.e. Shakti or Energy. Who is actually omnipresent in all beings. Shakti is there in Highest "Vishnu" to lowest "Insect". We Worship because of energy, we walk because of shakti, we do all the activities because of shakti. So How can "Creation/Preservation/Destruction" be done without shakti. Shakti is required to get a soul into a body, Shakti is required to sustain soul to live, Shakti is required to destroy/release from a Body. Even if Kundalini Shakti be deprived from Lord Shiva then He will be a Corpse. Association with Nava-Greh or Nine Planets as Material Shakti

Adi Shakti is regarded as the one who can control all the nine planets. She divides herself to Material Shakti i.e. Durga who splits herself to operate nine planets to maintain cosmic order, Vidya Shakti i.e. Kali as source for 10 incarnations of Lord Vishnu and Maya Shakti, to delude the beings to illusion and also promotes the beings to Ultimate God. As Durga Shakti She is the one who splits herself to NavaDurga provides direction and energy to all planets.

        Sun is Governed by Kushmanda Shakti.
        Mahagauri operates Rahu.
        Kaalratri governs Shani.
        Ketu is governed by Goddess Sidhidhaatri.
        Provider of Knowledge i.e. Bhrasapati is governed by Goddess Katyayini
        Provider of All Fortunes i.e. Mangal is governed by Goddess Brahmacharini
        The effect of moon is overcome by Goddess Shailputri
        Budh Planet is governed by Goddess Skandmata
        Shukra Planet is operated by Goddess Chandraghanta

By this contrast Goddess Adi Shakti controls Nava Greh. Worshipping the nine goddess in Navaratri or Nine nights of mataji, saves you from dangerous effects of planets.
Association with ten avatars of Lord Vishnu as Vidya Shakti

As told above, Adi Shakti has divided herself to Material Shakti (Durga or Parvati), Kali (Vidya Shakti) and Yog Maya (as Mayashakti). As Vidya Shakti she splits herself to 10 kinds of eternal knowledge also known as 10 Mahavidya. The ten goddesses are known as wisdom goddesses. As per tantras these ten goddesses are original source of ten incarnation of Lord Vishnu.

        From Dhumavati, Lord Mastsya was incarnated
        From BaglaMukhi, Lord Kurma was incarnated
        From Bhairavi, Lord Varaha was incarnated
        From Chinnamasta, Lord Narsingh was incarnated
        From TripurSundari, Lord Vaamna was incarnated
        from Matangi, Lord Parshurama was incarnated
        From Tara, Lord Rama was incarnated
        From Kali, Lord Krishna was incarnated
        From Kamala, Lord Buddha was incarnated
        From Bhuvaneshvari, Lord Kalki will be incarnated

The information is sourced from Sri Devi Bhagwata Mahapurana.
Association with Beings (demi-gods, living beings and demons) as Maya Shakti

Goddess Adi Shakti lastly splits up as Maya, Mahamaya and Yogmaya. It is she who actually creates three kinds of Maya such that One subordinate another. In this respect, we have Yogmaya, Mahamaya and Maya.

She is the one who actually creates maya on gods and teach them what to do and what not to do so that they can be connected to ultimate GOD. She helped Lord Mahavishnu slay the demons Madhu and Kaitabha to save the world. Moreover, she is also the one that who takes Lord Vishnu to mystic Sleep hence called Yog Nindra of Lord Narayana. She was born from the eyes of Mahavishnu as YogMaya. It is required by yogis, sages and bhaktas so that they can be connected to GOD.


She is the goddess that destroys the upfold of illusion. She is the one that creates and destroys maya. She is controlled by Yogmaya and hence subordinate to YogMaya and senior to Maya. She emerges as seven mothers to destroy evil forces of Shumbha and Nishumbha, Being Chamunda one of them. She is required to gain physical strength, health, satvik attributes and demotes Lust, anger, greed, affection and arrogance.

She is the one who delude from GOD and takes any being to the world of illusion. She promotes lust, greed, anger, hyper emotion and arrogance. It is assumed that in the Age of Kali Yug. Her effect is highest.
Adi-Parashakti forms

    Parvati, Sati, or Durga is the original manifested form of Mother Adi-Parashakti. She is Adi- Parashakti herself. The Devi Gita declares her to be the greatest Goddess.Thus, She is considered the supreme Goddess and primary deity in Shaktism, occupying a place similar to Lord Krishna in Vaishnavism. Whatever deity one is worshiping, ultimately, they are worshiping her. She is every other goddess. She is Goddess Lakshmi and Goddess Saraswati in her mild form; Goddess Kali and Goddess Chandi in her wrathful form.
    Mahasaraswati is the first partial expansion of Goddess Adi Parshakti. She represents the Sattva Guna and is the shakti of Lord Brahma. She is the goddess of wisdom, creation, and learning. She is the source of all of the arts. It is she who slew Sumbha and Nisumbha, who are symbols of ignorance. She was created from the body of Mother Parvati and is the embodiment of her hard work, spirituality and devotion. She is also known as Ambika Devi as per Durga Saptashati. She wears yellow clothes when she takes form. When she is without form, she becomes the Primordial Sound.
    Mahalakshmi is the second partial expansion of Goddess Adi Parshakti. She is the goddess of the material world and its preservation. She also brings good fortune and spiritual satisfaction. She is the shakti of Lord Narayana and is the bestower of all wealth and pleasure. She wears red Cloth. She was born from Goddess Parvati's mind and later took birth as Katyayani. She is also known as Chandi Devi as per Durga Saptashati. Mother Mahalakshmi is the primary deity of the Raja Guna. When she is formless, she becomes light.
    Mahakali is the third partial expansion of Goddess Adi Parshakti. She is the goddess of spiritual fulfillment as well as presiding over the destruction of the universe. She gives salvation to mankind. She is the shakti of Lord Shiva. She helped Lord Mahavishnu slay the demons Madhu and Kaitabha. She was born from the eyes of Mahavishnu as YogMaya. Mahakali is same as Yogmaya also known as Tamsi Devi as per Durga Saptashati. Mother Mahakali wears blue and presides over the Tamas Guna. When she is formless, she becomes heat.

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