

Brahma and Vishnu worship Lord Shiva

Once, the creator of the universe – Brahma and the protector of the universe – Vishnu started a journey in search of Lord Shiva. They reached the Himalayas after the long travel. They saw an illuminating ShivaLinga there. However, they couldn’t see the edges of it. They decided to find the edges of the ShivaLinga. Vishnu travelled downwards and Brahma upwards. They didn’t reach anywhere despite covering great distances spending many years.
Disappointed, Brahma and Vishnu started to meditate on Lord Shiva. Pleased with the devotion, Lord Shiva appeared before them and asked for their wishes.
Vishnu asked Shiva to give him atleast the chance to wash Shiva’s feet, serving him. Shiva granted his wish. That’s how avatars of Vishnu worship Lord Shiva. Parasuram is one of the greatest devotees of Lord Shiva- He is an avatar of Vishnu.
Meanwhile, Brahma asked if Shiva could be born as a son to him. Shiva was enraged hearing this. Instead of blessing him, Shiva cursed Brahma, “From now on no one would worship you. None of your creation will build temples for you. They’ll never pay homage to you.”
Thus, there are not much temples of Lord Brahma and even no one is named after him.

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