

Legend of Shanidev - A Real helping hand in getting rid of sins.

Part of Navagraha : Shani Resembles Saturn
Son of Lord Surya (Sun) and Sandhya Devi(Sandna)/ Chaaya Devi

Vahan of Shani dev(Vehicle)- Crow

Suryadev(son of Brahma) and Sandna (alias sandhya)(the daugther of Daksha Prajapati) were Shri Shaneshwar's parents.

Sandna and Suryadev had two sons Dakshinadhipati Yama and Shri Shaneshwar and four daughters Tapti, Bhadra, Kalindi and Savitri.

Sandna finding it unbearable to live with the harsh glare of Surya's light, created her own replica and named her as Sanvarna(Chaaya Devi) and asked her to behave as Surya's wife and perform all the duties and savour the privileges of a wife. She made her promise that under no condition would she reveal to Suryadev that she was not Sandna and promised to help her when needed.

Sandna went back to her father Daksha. When Daksha saw that his daughter coming back, he advised her that she better live with her husband only. The dejected Sandna did not follow her father's advise and instead transformed herself into a mare and resided in the Himalayas and started penance.
Savarna performed the role of dutiful wife. She also gave birth to five sons and two daughters from Surya. Surya did not have any doubts about Sanvarna.

One day Shanidev was very hungry and he asked his mother to give him something to eat. She asked him to wait till she had made her first offering to God. But Shanidev insisted on serving him first and in anger kicked his mother Sanvarna. She in return cursed him that his leg would break.
Shanidev reported the matter to his father Surya. Surya said," a mother would never curse a son like this." Surya observed Sanvarna closely and found that she was not Sandna. Surya was enraged and asked her who she was. Sanvarna confessed that she was a 'shadow' of Sandna. and that Sandna had gone to the Himalaya for penance.

Surya told Shanidev that Sanvarna was like his mother and her curse would not go in vain. It is therefore that Shanidev has one lame leg


Other Version of the Story 

 Yama  and yamuna were  children of Surya and Sandhya ,Shani was son of Sun( Surya) and Chaaya Devi. one Then Surya realised  she is not Sandya who cannot behave like this with his children.
 and he realises that Sandya devi was in form of mare.Then he  too took form of male horse and met Sandhya Devi . Both has children called Ashwini Kumar.(Deities of the Medicine).

Shani Dev Duties

Shani Dev as part of Nava graha his responsibilities  are very much vital in the complete living humans . Based on  Karma(works) we have done  he makes the balance of bad behaviour done by us intentionally or unintentionally. One who is really good from heart and good in his all deeds Shani Dev even tries to see that he get  his rights for the good one has done Similarly , if we have done any mistakes knowingly unknowingly  he would punish and make us free from the mistakes we have done. hence making  humans life easy to reach god.
One Who undergoes shani stage in life become happy because he could get rid of the sins he has done in his life. if person is still happy during shanis span in life means that he  did less sins.
Shani  dev is not someone who just give problems. he just gives us what deserve for what deeds we have done. if we are good he does good to us by ncreasing power of our good deeds. if we are bad he will do good by punishing us and making us realize our mistakes and setting us free from the sins we committed which helps in reaching the god easily.

 Why do we need to perform Shani Shanti Yagna or chants.
 Sometime unknowingly we might have done big sins .and at times we might loose our confidence to face problems to get free from the deeds we have done. by doing chants and  worshiping the Shani Dev helps us in increasing the confidence to face problems and gives courage and peacefullness  so that it doesnt affect ones normal  day to day living.
Worshiping  even gives us strength to face situations.

Temples of Shani dev.
Shani Shignapur is a village located in Ahmednagar District of Maharashtra. It is about 35 km from Ahmednagar.
The presiding deity of Shinganapur, Sri Shaneshwara or Lord Shanidev- the personification of the planet Saturn is worshipped with utmost reverence and devotion by multitudes of people from all over the world. The spectacle of the deity in black stone is overwhelming. A unique aspect of this place is, that no temple structure houses the Shanidev. There is only a simple platform on which stands the swayambhu idol, in black stone.
Unlike other pilgrimage centres, devotees here can perform puja or abhishek or other religious rituals themselves.
One of the unique aspects of the village Shiganapur is that houses here have no door- frames or locks on them for safety. They are in fact not needed. The people here believe that it is the benediction of the god that no crime ever occurs in this village.
Shri Dattatraya Temple and the tomb of Sant Shri Udasi Baba are the nearby attractions.
By road, Shani Shignapur is linked with Aurangabad (68 km) and Shirdi (70 km). Ahmednagar Railway Station is the nearest railhead

Sampat Shanidev

It is commonly believed that many miseries in life are caused due to the displeasure of Shanidev. A local legend given below demonstrates the need to keep Sahnidev propitiated.
There was a small town and there lived a poor brahmin with his family. He had three daughters-in-law. During the rainy days, he used to get up early in the morning, have his Breakfast and leave for the farm. As a routine, he had entrusted the house-hold chores to the youngest daughter-in-law.

It was Shravan Month. On the first Saturday, he told the young lady that today is Saturday, go upstairs, get some food grains, grind them to prepare the roties and kenakurdu vegetables. She followed the instructions. She found that there were grains enough for half a roti. She prepared the food out of this and waited for her in-laws. By the time, Shree Shanidev appeared at the house in the form of a Lepor and told the lady that his entire body is aching, please apply oil and bathe him with hot water and thereafter give me some food to eat. The young lady had a sympathy for him. She applied oil and bathed him. Gave him the food and thus quenched his hunger and thirst. Lepor blessed her. The blessings were that she will never fell short of anything in the life.

After some time, the in-laws came home and saw an excellent preparation of food and happily wondered as to how this happened when there was very little in the home.On the next Saturday, the Brahmin told the second daughter-in-law to be at home and left for the farm. Shanidev as usual appeared in the guise of a lepor and requested the lady to bathe and to serve the food, This young lady told him that there was nothing in house to offer him. Shanidev cursed her and said, 'Whatever you have would vanish'. Shanidev left home.

The lady went up and found that there was nothing in the pots. The father-in-law came back home and she informed him that there is nothing for the supper. They scolded her. Then she narrated the whole episode. The third Saturday, the Brahmin asked the third daughter in law to manage the home. Shanidev appeared in diguise and requested this young lady to serve. The young lady followed the suit of the second one with a negative approach.

The result was that nothing remained in the house. All the family had to fast. The lady was very sad for the incident. Again on the fourth Saturday. The Brahmin entrusted the house to the youngest daughter-in-law and left for the field. Shanidev came as usual as a lapor and requested to serve. The lady wholeheartedly bathed him and gave the food to his satisfaction. Shanidev blessed her that all her desires would be fulfilled. He collected the leftover food and vanished.

The lady went up again and found ample food grains etc. She cooked a sumptuous supper for the entire family. The in-laws were happy to have the food, they enquired from where she got all the grocery. The lady narrated the story of the lepor. They were quite happy. All of a sudden the father-in-law spotted a bundle of patravali (a leaf in which the food was served).

He opened the bundle and found diamonds and pearls in it. He enquired of other daughters-in-law, they informed that the lepor had come to them twice but they did not give him anything. The lepor got annoyed and everything vanished from the house and we all had to fast. The Brahmin offered prayers to Shanidev and asked blessing for all.


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