

Frequently Asked questions on Hinduism

Question 1:

Does hindusism beleives in theory of God is one. 

Yes hinduism also believe God is one but the reason why we have so many gods let me explain

Let me explain concept of god in hinduism Hinduism is a diverse system of thought with beliefs spanning monotheism, polytheism, panentheism, pantheism, monism, and atheism among others.
and its concept of God is complex and depends upon each individual and the tradition and philosophy followed. It is sometimes referred to as henotheistic (i.e., involving devotion to a single god while accepting the existence of others), but any such term is an overgeneralization.

Let me explain according to preaches how the above all types are satisfied in hinduism
 In Many Puranas this story exist

at the begining of the world there was only one energy Called paramathma

1- Paramathma -Supreme soul - ( some say it was the combined soul of Male and Female)
In some puranas its also said as shivas ardhanarishwar form.
then Paramathma Divided into a form of 2

2.Male and Female.According to vishnu purana  - male form is considered as anantha swamy -
According Shaiva purana - It was just a never ending fire pillar from top to bottom.

3.Then  from male form  firepillar divides  itself into 3 males - Brahma - shrusti - creating
Vishnu - Sthiti Kartha - Maintainar - Adhi Narayan
Shiva - Laya Karak - Destroyer.- Jagath Pitha 

Then the female form was - Adhi Shakti - Maa Durga- 9 forms of durga
Divided herself into 3 forms.
Saraswati - Knowledge
Lakshmi - Wealth
Parvathi - Strength

Brahma- Creator - to Create something vast knowledge is required and he has that in form of Saraswathy devi.
Vishnu - Maintains the world - to maintain anything which is created successfully - one needs wealth - not money but all kind of tools and equipments are also called as wealth . and it symbolises Lakshmi Devi.
Lord Shiva - Maheshwara- Destroyer-- Destruction needs lots of patience and energy to clear all the crap from the world -and thats Maha Shakti( Parvathi Devi).

From these Forms remaining all deities where created for many  handling different  roles and responsibilities to make human kind have a peacefull and happy life.

Question 2 :

So what are these all navagrahas,other gods like Ganesha , Karthikeya, and Krishna, stars,zodiac signs and etc?

Everyone in this world at least believes that we are not alone in this universe.
so and though everyone are born as a baby why we turn as different mentalities ?
its because everyone is unique.but everyone is not perfect . everyone has somekind of influence of the environment .
each  one is influenced differently based on their Resistance. So to get the resistance of any ill environment we refer each deity for different mannerism, behavior etc so based on that we try to worship it control.
Everyone knows Meditation gives peace but not everyone can get  peaceful mind just sitting idle.
they need some continuous motivation to reach the control on what they require. for which Chants are introduced. by reading some chants which where related to different deities human unconsciously start feeling its the chant and deity helping them but the reality  is they start getting control on what they where wishing its a kind of concentration .

And many ask me even why so many gods like ganesh and Krishna so many . As I said everygod has their responsibilities and to get control there would be a mental stability thinking someone else is going to do good for us and have peacefull mind by peacefull mind they start thinking right and solve self problems thinking god .
what are avatars - avatars of Vishnu - Vishnu is a Maintainer- means to make things work right and set right the conflicts between people there would be a leader always - those leaders who did good for all the world kind without any selfishness   are all considered to be vishnu avatarss because  Vishnu is Manager of the world who doesnt show any selfish ness just work for happiness of others.
So in those all managers famously 10  roles of different things in world as considered as Vishnu -
Fish , Tortoise, Lion, Pig - it might be anything which helped world are considered as Vishnu incarnation .

Question 3: 
What are these many stories?
No one likes philosophies  and no one like to read history -
But each story of each and every Mankind is for some reason and everything has its good and bad.
different stories are regarding different morals.  and giving confidence that being and doing good always leads to victory and success.

Question 4.
Some Say Shiva is great some say Vishnu is great  so who is great?
Before reading answer I even wish you all to read this post which shows Shiva and Vishnu as one
Click Here to learn about Shankar Narayan Form

People who doesnt realise god is one will fight in that way -
In the Same Puranas vedas they also mentioned few things
the name "RAMA " is not only form of Vishnu but combined name of Shiva and Vishnu
in Om Na"ma" Shivaya is ma is removed it means no shiv means no god atall
and In Om Namo Na"ra"yana is Ra is removed it means  nothing .

And in the same puranas they mentioned that
Lord Brahma - Chants Lord Shiva - Because to give a new birth to the old athma ( soul) he should be aware of knowledge of  previous births deeds and result occured by that death.
Lord Vishnu Chants Lord Brahma - As  to give any responsibilities or the luxaries to the life he should know what was the reason of the  life of that soul was given birth .
Lord Shiva chants about Lord Vishnu (Narayan ) - Because - Based on the luxaries responsibilities given to life and how did they perform in their life based on that they would be  given different style of relief from the lifes responsibilities and give the retirement to the life. which will not be form of wealth but  form of peacefull death and freedom from lifecycle.

There is a Saying that - " Sansarik Vishnu me Byragi Shiv or Byragi Shiv me Sansarik Vishnu  basthe he "
Which means simply can be explained by following example.
" People who are in  relationships always wants to live peacefully staying  single. and people who are  Single always wants to get into the relationship "
There are even gods Lord Satyanarayana - Lord Dattatreya- who are considered to be combined form of 3 gods, Brahma Vishnu , Maheshwara. which clearly shows everyone is same and every god is one.

But as a human I do not think we are clever enough to debate on god . because we might develop in science and find different solutions to live long but we could not  overcome the death  and ageing and Cannot revert the time.
So according to me stop fighting on the name of god and spread peace- God  is nothing but short form of Good. God ness is nothing but spreading good to the whole world

Question 5

Why Have so many problems if really god wants us to be good and happy?

In World we do not know value until we have and we never know value until we strive hard for it .
similarly sometimes Your happiness could create problems to others Happiness . So to know value of others Happiness you need to strive hard for happiness which  results in you realizing the value of happiness so in-return would never try to destroy others happiness.

Realize the beuty of Gods creation and Enjoy his gift for us

Sarve Jana Sukhino bhavanthu !

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