

Childhood story of Krishna - Fruit seller lady - baal leela

Childhood story of Krishna -

Shukdev Ji says to Pareekshit-

There was a lady in Braj of  Pulind caste.
This lady used to come daily to nandgaon to sell fruits.
One day, she got the glimpse of Shri Krishna playing with His friends.
She got so much attacted to that image of Krishna that she got restless to see that image again.
She was striving to see that image again but she couldn't see that image again for some time.
One day, as per her routine, she called at the main gate of NandBhavan(Krishna's house) to sell her fruits.

No one was at home at that time except Krishna.
Krishna came outside with some grains in his hands.
Grain was consistently leaking from His hands.
She handed over all the fruits to Krishna in exchange for few seeds of grain.
She was completely captivated by the beautiful image of Krishna(कृष्ण छवि ).
Krishna sat in her lap, she hesitated in the beginning because she belonged to lower caste, but Krishna assured her that Pure love is above cast.
She left the place with that grain.

Now everything in this world was waste for her because she had got what she wanted i.e. Shri Krishna.
When she opened her fruit's carry bag, it was full of diamonds(रत्न ).

Moral of the story:
We should completely devote ourselves to Him, and just do our Karma.
There shouldn't be a feeling of possession of these worldly things because these things will perish one day.

krishna with fruit seller

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