

3 births of cursed door Keepers of Lord Vishnu

When the world was good and one day when saptha rishies came for the darshan of the Lord vishnu
then the door keepers and maha bakthas of the Lord vishnu  JAYA and VIJAYA stopped the seven sages from the darshan of the lord vishnu in Anger they cursed that they would born as humans and would go through hard times . 
then lord vishnu himself gave the darshan to saptharishis. rishies where pleased and felt happy , then the door keepers asked lord vishnu that " how can we live as humans without seeing you and serving you " to the lord then Lord vishnu gave them a choice to them " 7 lifes as big devotees of  lord Vishnu " 
or 3 Lifes as enemies of the Lord Vishnu " then the 2 door keepers said " we cant wait for 7 lifes so it is better for us to choose 3 lifes as Enemies"
even as devotees or as enemies they where all the time thinking of Lord and would always chants his name 
Hence those 2 Door keepers where born as follows in 3  births and was killed by lord vishnu incarnations to attain the moksha 

1. Hiranyaksha , hiranya kashyapa- VARAHA, NARA SIMHA AVATAR
2. ravana , Kumba karna- RAMA AVATAR
3.Shishu pala, dhantha vatsala - KRISHNA AVATAR

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