

Shree Hari Stotram - Most Powerful Mantra Of Lord Vishnu

"Shri Hari" is another revered name for Vishnu, the supreme deity in Vaishnavism and one of the principal deities of Hinduism. The name "Hari" is often interpreted as "the one who removes [evil or sins]" or "the one who takes away [pain or ignorance]." It signifies his role as the remover of darkness and ignorance from the world and his divine presence offering salvation to his devotees.

In the context of Vishnu, "Shri" is an honorific denoting auspiciousness, grace, virtue, and majesty, often associated with wealth, royal power, and divine beauty. "Shri" is also commonly associated with the goddess Lakshmi, Vishnu's consort, who is the goddess of wealth and prosperity. Together, the term "Shri Hari" encapsulates Vishnu's aspects of majesty, divinity, grace, and his role as a protector and preserver of the universe.

The verses 'Shree Hari Stotram' are from a Sanskrit hymn dedicated to Lord Vishnu, known as the "Shree Hari Stotram" or sometimes referred to by similar names based on its attributes and eulogies. This hymn is a deeply devotional piece, praising various aspects of Lord Vishnu, the protector and preserver of the universe according to Hindu tradition. Each verse ends with "bhajeham bhajeham," meaning "I worship, I worship," reflecting deep devotion. Below is a general translation and explanation of each verse, capturing the essence of the praise and devotion contained within this hymn:

Verse 1

जगज्जालपालं चलत्कण्ठमालं, शरच्चन्द्रभालं महादैत्यकालं। 
नभोनीलकायं दुरावारमायं, सुपद्मासहायम् भजेऽहं भजेऽहं॥ 
  • Jagatjaalapalam chalatkanthamalam: Protector of the universe, wearing a garland of moving serpents.
  • Sharatchandra bhalam maha daitya kalam: With the autumn moon on his forehead, the death of great demons.
  • Nabhoneelakayam duravaramayam: The one with the body colored like the blue sky, impenetrable and formidable.
  • Supadmasahayam bhajeham bhajeham: Accompanied by the lotus-seated Lakshmi, I worship, I worship.

Verse 2

सदाम्भोधिवासं गलत्पुष्पहासं, जगत्सन्निवासं शतादित्यभासं। 
गदाचक्रशस्त्रं लसत्पीतवस्त्रं, हसच्चारुवक्त्रं  भजेऽहं भजेऽहं॥ 
  • Sadambhodhivasam galatpushpahasam: Always residing in the ocean, with a smile like a blooming flower.
  • Jagatsannivasam shatadityabhasam: The abode of the universe, shining like a hundred suns.
  • Gadachakrashastram lasatpitavastram: Wielding the mace, discus, and weapons, dressed in shining yellow garments.
  • Hasachcharuvaktram bhajeham bhajeham: With a beautiful, smiling face, I worship, I worship.

Verse 3

रमाकण्ठहारं श्रुतिव्रातसारं, जलान्तर्विहारं धराभारहारं। 
चिदानन्दरूपं मनोज्ञस्वरूपं, ध्रुतानेकरूपं  भजेऽहं भजेऽहं॥ 
  • Ramakantaharam shrutivrata saram: The essence of the Vedas, the one who is the garland around Lakshmi's neck.
  • Jalantarviharam dharabharaharam: Playing within the waters, reliever of Earth's burden.
  • Chidanandaroopam manojnyaswaroopam: The embodiment of conscious bliss, pleasing in form.
  • Dhrutanekaroopam bhajeham bhajeham: The one who assumes many forms instantly, I worship, I worship.

Verse 4

जराजन्महीनं परानन्दपीनं, समाधानलीनं सदैवानवीनं। 
जगज्जन्महेतुं सुरानीककेतुं, त्रिलोकैकसेतुं भजेऽहं भजेऽहं॥ 
  • Jarajanmahinam paranandapinam: Beyond aging and birth, full of supreme bliss.
  • Samadhanalinam sadaivanavinam: Always absorbed in meditation, forever new and fresh.
  • Jagatjanmahetum suranikaketum: The cause of the universe's creation, the banner of the gods.
  • Trilokaikasetum bhajeham bhajeham: The bridge to the three worlds, I worship, I worship.

Verse 5

कृताम्नायगानं खगाधीशयानं, विमुक्तेर्निदानं हरारातिमानं। 
स्वभक्तानुकूलं जगद्व्रुक्षमूलं, निरस्तार्तशूलं भजेऽहं भजेऽहं॥ 
  • Kritamnayaganam khagadhisayanan: The one who is sung in the Vedas, resting on the king of birds, Garuda.
  • Vimukternidanam hararatimanam: The cause of liberation, destroyer of Shiva's enemies.
  • Swabhaktanukulam jagadvrukshamulam: Favorable to his devotees, the root of the world tree.
  • Nirastartashulam bhajeham bhajeham: The remover of pains and afflictions, I worship, I worship.

Verse 6

समस्तामरेशं द्विरेफाभकेशं, जगद्विम्बलेशं ह्रुदाकाशदेशं। 
सदा दिव्यदेहं विमुक्ताखिलेहं, सुवैकुण्ठगेहं भजेऽहं भजेऽहं॥ 
  • Samastamaresham dvirephabakesham: The lord of all gods, with hair like the bumblebee.
  • Jagadvimbaleshem hrudakasha desham: The lord of the universe's reflection, residing in the heart-space.
  • Sada divyadeham vimuktakhileham: Always with a divine body, free from all worldly attachments.
  • Suvaikunthagaham bhajeham bhajeham: Residing in beautiful Vaikuntha, I worship, I worship.

Verse 7

सुरालिबलिष्ठं त्रिलोकीवरिष्ठं, गुरूणां गरिष्ठं स्वरूपैकनिष्ठं। 
सदा युद्धधीरं महावीरवीरं, महाम्भोधितीरं भजेऽहं भजेऽहं॥ 
  • Suralibalistham trilokivaristham: The strongest among the gods, the most excellent in the three worlds.
  • Gurunam garistham swaroopaikanistham: The greatest among the gurus, firmly established in his unique form.
  • Sada yuddhadhiram mahaveeraveeram: Always steady in battle, the great heroic warrior.
  • Mahaambhodhiteeram bhajeham bhajeham: Residing at the shore of the great ocean, I worship, I worship.

Verse 8

रमावामभागं तलानग्रनागं, कृताधीनयागं गतारागरागं।
मुनीन्द्रैः सुगीतं सुरैः संपरीतं, गुणौधैरतीतं भजेऽहं भजेऽहं॥ 
  • Ramavamabhagam talanagranagam: The left side belongs to Lakshmi, adorned with the best of serpents.
  • Kritadhinayagam gataragaragam: Accepted sacrifices, free from attachments.
  • Munindraih sugeetam suraih samparitam: Sung by great sages, surrounded by gods.
  • Gunaudhairatitam bhajeham bhajeham: Beyond all qualities, I worship, I worship.

Phala Shruti (Benefits)

इदं यस्तु नित्यं समाधाय चित्तं, पठेदष्टकं कण्ठहारम् मुरारे:। 
स विष्णोर्विशोकं ध्रुवं याति लोकं, जराजन्मशोकं पुनर्विन्दते नो॥ 
  • Idam yastu nityam samadhaya chittam: Whoever regularly focuses their mind on this.
  • Pathedashtakam kanthaharam murareh: Reads this garland of eight verses of Murari.
  • Sa Vishnor vishokam dhruvam yati lokam: They attain the sorrowless and permanent abode of Vishnu.
  • Jarajanmashokam punarvindate no: And do not return to the sorrows of aging and birth.

This hymn is a testament to the multifaceted nature of Lord Vishnu, covering his various aspects, attributes, and the universal roles he plays. Each verse is a deep dive into his divine qualities, from his cosmic functions to his compassionate nature, from his supreme power to his graceful abode. Devotees recite these verses for spiritual upliftment, divine blessings, and a closer connection to the divine essence of Lord Vishnu.

Devotees pray to Shri Hari for blessings, protection, and guidance on the path of righteousness and dharma. He is celebrated and worshipped in various forms and avatars, each representing a different aspect of life and the cosmos. The recitation of his names and mantras, like the famous "Hari Om" or "Hare Krishna," is considered a way of attaining peace, wisdom, and ultimate liberation.

Serene Divinity: Lord Ram and Sita in the Enchanted Forest

 O Divine Lord Rama and Mother Sita, eternal symbols of virtue and grace,

O Divine Lord Rama and Mother Sita, eternal symbols of virtue and grace

In the humble abode of my heart, I invoke your sacred presence,

With folded hands and a spirit yearning for your divine embrace.

Lord Rama, embodiment of righteousness and courage

Lord Rama, embodiment of righteousness and courage,

Your journey through life's trials inspires steadfastness and endurance.

Bless me with the strength to uphold dharma, to walk the path of truth,

To stand firm in the face of adversity, with the same unwavering resolve as you.

Serene Divinity: Lord Ram and Sita in the Enchanted Forest

Mother Sita, epitome of devotion and sacrifice,

Your unconditional love and purity illuminate the darkest of times.

Instill in me the fortitude to bear life's sorrows with grace,

To embrace each challenge with a heart full of your compassionate embrace.

Serene Divinity: Lord Ram and Sita in the Enchanted Forest

Together, you exemplify the eternal union of the divine,

Guiding souls toward the ultimate purpose, transcending the mundane and finite.

Shower upon me the wisdom to perceive your divine play,

To see the cosmic dance of creation, preservation, and dissolution with clarity.

Serene Divinity: Lord Ram and Sita in the Enchanted Forest

In moments of doubt and despair, be my guiding light,

In times of joy and success, remind me of your eternal oversight.

May your virtues reflect in my thoughts, words, and deeds,

May your love flow through me, fulfilling all my needs.

Serene Divinity: Lord Ram and Sita in the Enchanted Forest

Grant me the vision to see you in all beings,

To serve with humility, to love without ceasing.

As I traverse the journey of life, with its twists and turns,

Be my compass, my protector, ensuring from righteousness I never turn.

Serene Divinity: Lord Ram and Sita in the Enchanted Forest

O Lord Rama and Mother Sita, I surrender at your lotus feet,

Bless me with your grace, make my life complete.

With every breath, let me sing the glory of your name,

In your divine love, let my spirit forever flame.

Bhagwan Ji, help me, guide me, and hold me close,

In your divine love, let my spirit forever repose.

Jai Shri Ram! Jai Sita Mata!

Bhagwan Ji Help Me.

A Day in the Life of Arjun: Seeking Guidance, Bhagwan Ji, help me


Arjun woke up feeling overwhelmed. Today was the day he had to present a major project at work, and anxiety was getting the better of him. As he got ready, he found himself repeatedly whispering, "Bhagwan Ji, help me," seeking divine strength to face the challenge ahead.

On his way to the office, the traffic was worse than usual. Stuck in the snarl, he glanced at his watch, the minutes ticking away, and again murmured, "Bhagwan Ji, help me," hoping for some respite from the relentless gridlock.

At the office, Arjun's computer decided to act up, refusing to cooperate. With the presentation only an hour away, he couldn't help but say, "Bhagwan Ji, help me," under his breath, hoping for a miracle.

As he began his presentation, nerves got the better of him. His voice quivered, and his hands shook. Closing his eyes for a brief moment, he silently pleaded, "Bhagwan Ji, help me," seeking the courage to continue.

Midway through the presentation, he stumbled over his words. Pausing, he took a deep breath and internally repeated, "Bhagwan Ji, help me," seeking clarity and composure.

To his surprise, the presentation started to flow more smoothly. Each time he felt a wave of uncertainty, he would gently remind himself, "Bhagwan Ji, help me," and found his confidence growing.

Finally, as he concluded, he felt a sense of accomplishment. He had made it through. In a quiet moment of gratitude, he whispered, "Bhagwan Ji, help me remember this feeling of overcoming my fears."

As the day came to an end, Arjun reflected on his journey. From the morning's anxiety to the evening's triumph, his repeated calls of "Bhagwan Ji, help me" had been a constant source of solace and strength.

He realized that sometimes, the simple act of seeking divine help, as he did with his repeated "Bhagwan Ji, help me," was enough to bring about a sense of peace and the courage to face life's challenges.
