

Ram krishna bhajan - this is how our senses should be(by Gaurav Krishna Goswami ji)

Ram Krishna bhajan

This is how our senses should be:

चाहे लख लख बात बनाईये , मुख सोना(beautiful) नही लगदा राम बिना ।
चाहे लख लख बात बनाईये , मुख सोना नही लगदा श्याम बिना ।
(chahe lakh lakh baat banaiye, mukh sona nahi lagda raam bina)

अंख सोनी नहीं प्रभु दे दर्श बिना, 
चाहे लख लख काजल पाईये , मुख सोना नही लगदा राम बिना...

कान सोने नही प्रभु की कथा बिना,
चाहे लख लख कुण्डला पाईये, मुख सोना नही लगदा राम बिना...

काया सोनी नही लगदी भजन बिना,
चाहे मल मल रोज़ नहाइए, मुख सोना नही लगदा राम बिना...

पग सोने नही वृन्दावन जाए बिना,
चाहे जग सारा  घूम आईये,  मुख सोना नही लगदा राम बिना...

Here is the video link-

very beautiful bhajan - kurbaan kyun naa jau, darbaar hai niraala

Kurbaan kyun na jau, darbaar hai niraala

This is very beautiful bhajan. This bhajan is sung is very touching listen

कुर्बान क्यूँ ना जाऊ, दरबार है निराला ।
ठकुरानी राधा प्यारी, ठाकुर है नन्द लाला ।।
(Why i should not sacrifice myself to radha-krishna, they are out of this world,
Radharani is thakurani, Nand-Lal is thakur)

क्या खूब सज रही है, झूले में राधा रानी ।
झूला झूला रहे है, हँस हँस के नन्द लाला ।।

सखियों  के संग दोनों, रास रचा रहे है,
इस ओर राधा रानी, उस ओर नन्द लाला ।।

कुर्बान क्यूँ ना जाऊ, दरबार है निराला ...

क्या पूछते हो हमसे, पहचान उनकी क्या है ,
सिर पे मुकुट पे है बाँधा और श्याम रंग निराला ।।

बांके की छवि है बांकी, चितवन भी उनका बांका,
ये नयन कमल है बांके, बांका है नन्द लाला ।।

राधे राधे राधे राधे , गोविन्द राधे, गोपाल राधे  ।।

Here is the video link-


Suta narrates the following story to the sages-
"Once upon a time, Indra was going towards Kailash mountain to have a 'darshan' of lord Shiva. Sage Brihaspati was accompanying him.
Lord Shiva came to know about his arrival. He wanted to test his devotion towards him. While both Indra and Brihaspati were still on their way. Lord Shiva met them on their in the guise of a hermit.
Indra did not recognize Shiva, who was sitting on the way disguised as a hermit. Indra inquired as to who he was and where he lived. Lord Shiva sat quietly without saying a word. Indra repeatedly asked the same question, but each time Shiva remained quiet. Indra became furious and tried to attack lord Shiva with his Vajra.
Lord Shiva paralyzed the raised hands of Indra by his divine power. Shiva's eyes had reddened due to anger which made Indra very frightened sage Brihaspati was able to recognize the real identity of the hermit as to who he was. He made salutations to lord Shiva and requested him to pardon Indra. Lord Shiva became pleased and diverted the power of his radiant eyes to the ocean. This way Indra's life was spared by Shiva. Lord Shiva then returned to Kailash mountain. Indra and Sage Brihaspati to Kailash mountain. Indra and sage Brihaspati too returned to their respective abodes.

The effulgence, which had been divided by lord Shiva into the Ocean resulted into the manifestation of a small child. This incident happened at the place where river Ganges submerged into the ocean and which is also known as Gangasagar now a days.
The child was crying so ferociously that an environment of fear was created everywhere. The deities and the sages went to lord Brahma to satisfy their curiously. Lord Brahma assured then to find out the reason. He went to the seashore. The sea put the child in his lap and enquired about the name of that child and also about his future.
Meanwhile the child pressed lord Brahma's neck with such power that tears rolled down from his eyes. For this reason he named the child as Jalandhar. Lord Brahma told the sea that the child will become the mighty ruler of the demons. No deity would be able to kill him except Shiva.
The sea was very pleased by lord Brahma's predictions. After Lord Brahma returned to his abode, the sea brought that child to his home and brought up that child with great love and care.
When Jalandhar grew up he married Vrinda, who was the daughter of Kalnemi. Later on he became the ruler of the demons.

One day Sage Bhrigu came to meet Jalandhar. After receiving him with due respect Jalandhar asked him as to who severed the head of Rahu.
Sage Bhrigu then told him about Hiranyakashipu who was the maternal uncle of Rahu. Sage Bhrigu also told him about Virochana - the son of the extremely charitable king Bali. Then sage
Bhrigu narrated the tale connected with the churning of ocean and how ambrosia emerged from the churning of the ocean.
Sage Bhrigu told Jalandhar how Rahu's head was severed by lord Vishnu, while he was sitting among the deities and at the time when ambrosia was being distributed to all the deities.
Jalandhar became very furious after hearing this story. He summoned one of his messengers whose name was Ghasmar and instructed him to go and ask Indra, as to why had he misappropriated all the wealth of his father (Sea) which emerged during the churning of Sea. He also instructed Ghasmar to warn Indra about the dire consequences unless he takes his (Indra's) refuge.
But Indra sent back Ghasmar without any specific assurance. This action of Indra made Jalandhar more angry than before. He collected his army and attacked Indra.
A fierce battle was fought between his army and the army of the deities. Many warriors got killed from both the sides. Shukracharya the guru of the deities brought back the dead warriors from the demon side back to life by his mritasanjivani vidya. Similarly Sage Brihaspati brought back the dead warriors from the deities‘ side back to life with the help of medicinal herbs.
When Shukracharya saw that, sage Brihaspati too was successfully making the dead deities alive, he instructed Jalandhar to submerge the Drongiri mountain into the sea, so that it becomes impossible for Brihaspati to get the medicinal herbs by the help of which he made the dead deities alive.
Jalandhar obeyed the command of Shukracharya and by lifting the Drongiri mountain submerged it into the sea. The deities became demoralized and fled from the battlefield Jalandhar captured Indrapuri.
The terrified deities took the refuge of lord Vishnu and sought his help. Lord Vishnu gave a patient hearing and agreed to help them, but there was a hitch. His consort goddess Lakshmi considered Jalandhar as her brother because both of them originated from the sea. She instructed Lord Vishnu against killing Jalandhar.
Lord Vishnu promised to her that he won't kill Jalandhar. After giving his word to goddess Lakshmi, he went to fight a battle with Jalandhar.
A fierce battle was fought between both of them which remained indecisive till the end. Lord Vishnu became very much impressed by the valiance of Jalandhar and asked him to demand any boon he liked.
Jalandhar requested him to make his dwelling in the Ksheersagar-the abode of Jalandhar, along with his sister (Lakshmi). Lord Vishnu agreed to fulfill his wish and started living in the Ksheersagar along with his consort Lakshmi.
Being undefeated by Lord Vishnu himself, Jalandhar became the ruler of all the three world. All his subjects were satisfied by his just and virtuous rule, except the deities. The deities now eulogized lord Shiva to seek his help in defeating Jalandhar.
According to the wish of lord Shiva, Sage Narada came to meet the deities. The deities narrated their woeful tales to him. Feeling pity on their condition, he went accorded a grand reception by Jalandhar which pleased him very much.
Narada praised the splendours and prosperity of Jalandhar but added that it was nothing in comparison to Shiva's splendours Narada told him that inspite of all his authority and splendours, his prosperity was still incomplete, as he did not have a consort. Jalandhar asked curiously as to where could he find his consort.
According to his strategy, Narada advised Jalandhar to make Parvati as his consort Jalandhar fell into Narada's trap. He sent 'Rahu' to lord Shiva with a proposal to part with Parvati. Rahu went to lord Shiva and demanded Parvati, which made lord Shiva extremely furious. His anger resulted into the manifestation of a ferocious creature, which ran towards 'Rahu' to devour him. Rahu had no option but to take the refuge of Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva protected the life of 'Rahu'.
The hungry creature, asked Shiva as to what should he eat to satisfy his hunger. Lord Shiva instructed him to devour his own limbs. The creative followed his instructions and devoured his limbs. Lord Shiva was very pleased by his sense of obedience. He named that creature of his palace. He also blessed him saying that he too would be worshipped along with him (Shiva).

Rahu went back to Jalandhar and narrated the whole story to him. Jalandhar then attacked Kailash mountain with his huge army. A fierce battle was fought between the Shiva-ganas and the demons.
When Jalandhar realized that lord Shiva had begun to dominate the battle he created beautiful 'Apsaras' and 'Gandharvas' by his illusionary powers to divert the attention of lord Shiva and his ganas. He was successful in his attempt. Lord Shiva and his ganas became enchanted by the heavenly beauty of the apsaras. They stopped fighting and started watching their dance and music.
Meanwhile Jalandhar went to Parvati in the guise of lord Shiva but was recognized by her. Being enchanted by the beauty of goddess Parvati, he looked at her with his evil intentions, but was immobilized by her wrath.
Mother Parvati then went to lord Vishnu and narrated the whole story. She wanted to teach Jalandhar a lesson. She requested lord Vishnu to go to Jalandhar's wife in the guise of Jalandhar and act in the same way. Jalandhar had dared to do.

With the help of his divine powers, Lord Vishnu created many inauspicious dreams while Vrinda was asleep. Vrinda became very restless and when the anxieties become unbearable she proceeded towards the forest.
Vrinda saw a hermit in the forest who was preaching his disciples. The hermit was none other than lord Vishnu. She went to that hermit and prayed to save her husband's life.
Lord Vishnu disappeared from the scene and reappeared - this time in the guise of Jalandhar. But Vrinda was unable to recognize the real identity of her husband. She was very pleased after finding her husband. Both of them stayed in that very forest as husband and wife for a very long time.
One day, she came to know about the real identity of the person, who was impersonating as her husband. Realizing that her chastity has been breached, she cursed lord Vishnu by saying that just as he had played a deceitful trick with her in the same way somebody would deceitfully abduct his wife and he too would wander in her search.
After cursing lord Vishnu, Vrinda embraced death by entering into the fire.

On the other side, after the departure of Parvati from Kailash Mountain and after the illusionary powers created by Jalandhar had ended all the apsaras and gandharvas vanished. Shiva realized that whatever he was watching, was nothing more than illusion.
Lord Shiva recommenced his battle. The demons-Shumbh and Nishumbh, came forward to fight with him, but ultimately they had to flee from the battlefield. Lord Shiva warned both of them that though they had escaped death at that moment, but they would be killed by Parvati.
Now Jalandhar again arrived to fight with lord Shiva. A fierce battle commenced between them. Finding an opportune time, Shiva severed the head of Jalandhar by his 'Chakra' which had been created from his toe. After his death, Jalandhar's soul united with Shiva.
When the deities came to know about the killing of Jalandhar, they became overjoyed. They came to Lord Shiva and eulogized him. Thy also hailed his great achievement. After expressing their gratitude they returned to their respective abodes.
Lord Vishnu was very much saddened by the death of Vrinda. He took the ashes from the pyre and after applying them on his body started wondering here and there.
The deities became very worried to see the condition of lord Vishnu. They went to lord Shiva and requested him to eliminate the false attachment with which Sri Vishnu was suffering.
Lord Shiva sent the deities to goddess Parvati, saying that she would ceratainly help in this regard.
The deities went to goddess Parvati and prayed to her. She became very pleased and with the assistance of Lakshmi and Saraswati, gave some seeds to then. The deities sprayed those seeds on the pyre, on which Vrinda had given up her life. Three holy plants manifested from that pyre-Amla, Tulsi and Malti. Later on Tulsi and Malti attained to the Vishnuloka, by the virtue of their respective penance.

(Hindi font) Holi songs Krishna

Holi Krishna bhajan-

फाग खेलन बरसाने आये हैं, नटवर नंद किशोर।
घेर लई सब गली रंगीली, छाय रही छबि छटा छबीली,
जिन ढोल मृदंग बजाये हैं बंसी की घनघोर।

जुर मिल के सब सखियाँ आई, उमड घटा अंबर में छाई,
जिन अबीर गुलाल उडाये हैं, मारत भर भर झोर।

ले रहे चोट ग्वाल ढालन पे, केसर कीच मले गालन पे,
जिन हरियल बांस मंगाये हैं चलन लगे चहुँ ओर।

भई अबीर घोर अंधियारी, दीखत नही कोऊ नर और नारी,
जिन राधे सेन चलाये हैं, पकडे माखन चोर।

जो लाला घर जानो चाहो, तो होरी को फगुवा लाओ,
जिन श्याम सखा बुलाए हैं, बांटत भर भर झोर ।

राधे जू के हा हा खाओ, सब सखियन के घर पहुँचाओ,
जिन कबीरा पद गाए हैं, लगी श्याम संग डोर।

Hindi Krishna bhajan-

aaj brij mein hori re rasiyaa,
hori re hori re barjori re rasiya.

आज बिरज में होरी रे रसिया,
आज बिरज में होरी रे रसिया।
होरी रे होरी रे बरजोरी रे रसिया।

घर घर से ब्रज बनिता आई,
कोई श्यामल कोई गोरी रे रसिया।
आज बिरज में होरी रे रसीया

इत तें आये कुंवर कन्हाई,
उत तें आईं राधा गोरी रे रसिया।
आज बिरज मे होरी रे रसिया।

कोई लावे चोवा कोई लावे चंदन,
कोई मले मुख रोरी रे रसिया ।
आज बिरज में होरी रे रसिया,

उडत गुलाल लाल भये बदरा,
मारत भर भर झोरी रे रसिया ।
आज बिरज में होरी रे रसिया।

चन्द्रसखी भज बाल कृष्ण प्रभु,
चिर जीवो यह जोडी रे रसिया ।
आज बिरज में होरी रे रसिया।
होरी रे होरी रे बरजोरी रे रसिया।

जय जय श्री राधे कृष्णा

Holi in Banke Bihari, Nidhivan, Vrindavan

Holi in Banke Bihari Ji, Nidhivan, Vrindavan
Holi in nidhivan, Bihari ji, vrindavan

Holi in Banke Bihari Ji, Nidhivan, Vrindavan with Gulal
Holi in nidhivan, Bihari ji, vrindavan 1

Holi in Govardhan Giriraj ji, Vrindavan
Holi in nidhivan, Bihari ji, vrindavan 2

Holi in Godhumpuram, Vrindavan
Holi in nidhivan, Bihari ji, vrindavan 3

Another moment of Holi in Vrindavan
Holi in nidhivan, Bihari ji, vrindavan 4

Holi in Godhumpuram, Vrindavan


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Birla Mandir History-Birla Mandir on the Naubath Pahad is a Hindu temple of Lord Venkateshwara, built entirely of white marble located in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh,India. The Birla Foundation has constructed several similar temples in India, all of which are known as Birla Mandir. The temple manifests a blend of South Indian Rajasthani and Utkala temple architectures. In its entirety, it is made of 2000 tons of pure Rajasthani white marble. The granite of the presiding deity is about 11 ft (3.4 m) tall and a carved lotus forms an umbrella on the roof. The consorts of Lord Venkateswara, Padmavati and Andal are housed in separate shrines. There is a brass flagstaff in the temple premises which rises to a height of 42 ft (13 m). The temple is built on a 280 feet (85 m) high hillock called the Naubath Pahad on a 13 acres (53,000 m2) plot. The construction took 10 years and was consecrated in 1976 by Swami Ranganathananda of Ramakrishna Mission. The temple does not have traditional bells, as Swamiji wished that the temple atmosphere should be conducive for meditation. Though the chief deity is Lord Venkateshwara, the temple has pan-Hindu character with deities of Shiva, Shakti, Ganesh, Hanuman, Brahma, Saraswati,Lakshmi and Saibaba. The selected teachings of holy men and Gurbani are engraved on temple walls. Birla temples are open to all, as identified by Mahatma Gandhi and other Hindu leaders as one of the major social evil that was to be reformed in modern India as part of Freedom struggle. The temple complex overlooking the southern side of Hussain Sagar offers a magnificent panoramic view of the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad. It presents a colorful and spectacular sight when illuminated at night. Other nearby structures are Andhra Pradesh Secretariat, Assembly and Birla Planetarium. Interesting Facts: A Raja Gopuram was built with the inspiration from the Garudalaya style. The ‘Jagadananda Vimanam’ tower which lies above the temple is built in the Orissan style. The famous scenes from the Ramayana and Mahabharata epics are sculpted here. The idol of Shri Lord Venkateswara was made by the 11 feet black granite stone. The 360 degree view of Hyderabad including Hussain Sagar lake, Buddha Statue, Twin cities, etc from Birla Mandir is spectacular and very interesting. All the holy rituals of the Birla temple is based on Hindu ‘Agama Shastras’.

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