

Prayer to Lord Vishnu-Kaayena vaachaa with MP3

Lord Vishnu

Prayer to Lord Vishnu (kaayena vaachaa)

         Kaayena-Vaacha Mana-Sendhriyerva,
         Buddhyaatma-Naavaa Prakrute-Swabhawat,
         Karomi Yadyat Sakalam Parasmai,
         Naaraa-Yanayeti Samarpayami,
         Ohm Tat Sat...||


Oh! Lord Vishnu, I devote everything to you "Narayana"; whatever I perform with my body, speech, mind, limbs, intellect or my inner self either intentionally or unintentionally. I bow to the great God Vishnu...

To listen this Prayer to Lord Vishnu-Kaayena vaachaa

To listen the FULL SONG of Lord Vishnu-Kaayena vaachaa

Lord Dattatreya-Trinity Wallpaper

Lord Dattatreya
Lord Dattatreya   Lord Dattatreya Picture   Lord Dattatreya Image   Lord Dattatreya Wallpaper   Dattatreya Wallpaper   Dattatreya Wallpaper   Dattatreya-Brahma Vishnu-Shiva Wallpaper    Dattatreya-Triniti Wallpaper   Dattatreya-Trimurti Wallpaper    Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Wallpaper    Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Image      Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Idol   Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Sculpture

Lord Dattatreya Picture

Lord Dattatreya   Lord Dattatreya Picture   Lord Dattatreya Image   Lord Dattatreya Wallpaper   Dattatreya Wallpaper   Dattatreya Wallpaper   Dattatreya-Brahma Vishnu-Shiva Wallpaper    Dattatreya-Triniti Wallpaper   Dattatreya-Trimurti Wallpaper    Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Wallpaper    Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Image      Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Idol   Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Sculpture

Lord Dattatreya Image
Lord Dattatreya   Lord Dattatreya Picture   Lord Dattatreya Image   Lord Dattatreya Wallpaper   Dattatreya Wallpaper   Dattatreya Wallpaper   Dattatreya-Brahma Vishnu-Shiva Wallpaper    Dattatreya-Triniti Wallpaper   Dattatreya-Trimurti Wallpaper    Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Wallpaper    Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Image      Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Idol   Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Sculpture

Lord Dattatreya Wallpaper
Lord Dattatreya   Lord Dattatreya Picture   Lord Dattatreya Image   Lord Dattatreya Wallpaper   Dattatreya Wallpaper   Dattatreya Wallpaper   Dattatreya-Brahma Vishnu-Shiva Wallpaper    Dattatreya-Triniti Wallpaper   Dattatreya-Trimurti Wallpaper    Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Wallpaper    Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Image      Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Idol   Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Sculpture

Dattatreya Wallpaper

Lord Dattatreya   Lord Dattatreya Picture   Lord Dattatreya Image   Lord Dattatreya Wallpaper   Dattatreya Wallpaper   Dattatreya Wallpaper   Dattatreya-Brahma Vishnu-Shiva Wallpaper    Dattatreya-Triniti Wallpaper   Dattatreya-Trimurti Wallpaper    Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Wallpaper    Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Image      Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Idol   Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Sculpture

Dattatreya Wallpaper
Lord Dattatreya   Lord Dattatreya Picture   Lord Dattatreya Image   Lord Dattatreya Wallpaper   Dattatreya Wallpaper   Dattatreya Wallpaper   Dattatreya-Brahma Vishnu-Shiva Wallpaper    Dattatreya-Triniti Wallpaper   Dattatreya-Trimurti Wallpaper    Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Wallpaper    Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Image      Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Idol   Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Sculpture

Dattatreya-Brahma Vishnu-Shiva Wallpaper
Lord Dattatreya   Lord Dattatreya Picture   Lord Dattatreya Image   Lord Dattatreya Wallpaper   Dattatreya Wallpaper   Dattatreya Wallpaper   Dattatreya-Brahma Vishnu-Shiva Wallpaper    Dattatreya-Triniti Wallpaper   Dattatreya-Trimurti Wallpaper    Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Wallpaper    Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Image      Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Idol   Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Sculpture

Dattatreya-Triniti Wallpaper
Lord Dattatreya   Lord Dattatreya Picture   Lord Dattatreya Image   Lord Dattatreya Wallpaper   Dattatreya Wallpaper   Dattatreya Wallpaper   Dattatreya-Brahma Vishnu-Shiva Wallpaper    Dattatreya-Triniti Wallpaper   Dattatreya-Trimurti Wallpaper    Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Wallpaper    Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Image      Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Idol   Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Sculpture

Dattatreya-Trimurti Wallpaper

Lord Dattatreya   Lord Dattatreya Picture   Lord Dattatreya Image   Lord Dattatreya Wallpaper   Dattatreya Wallpaper   Dattatreya Wallpaper   Dattatreya-Brahma Vishnu-Shiva Wallpaper    Dattatreya-Triniti Wallpaper   Dattatreya-Trimurti Wallpaper    Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Wallpaper    Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Image      Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Idol   Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Sculpture

Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Wallpaper

Lord Dattatreya   Lord Dattatreya Picture   Lord Dattatreya Image   Lord Dattatreya Wallpaper   Dattatreya Wallpaper   Dattatreya Wallpaper   Dattatreya-Brahma Vishnu-Shiva Wallpaper    Dattatreya-Triniti Wallpaper   Dattatreya-Trimurti Wallpaper    Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Wallpaper    Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Image      Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Idol   Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Sculpture

Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Image 

Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Idol

Lord Dattatreya   Lord Dattatreya Picture   Lord Dattatreya Image   Lord Dattatreya Wallpaper   Dattatreya Wallpaper   Dattatreya Wallpaper   Dattatreya-Brahma Vishnu-Shiva Wallpaper    Dattatreya-Triniti Wallpaper   Dattatreya-Trimurti Wallpaper    Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Wallpaper    Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Image      Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Idol   Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Sculpture

Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Sculpture

Krishna Mantra

Lord Krishna Photo

Krishna Mantra

1) “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare”

2) "Om Krishnaya Namah"

3) "Om Sri Krishnah sharanam mamah"

4) “Om Kleem Krishnaaya Govindaaya Gopeejanavallabhaya swaaha”

Krishna Gayatri Mantra

“Om Govindaya Vidhmahe
Gopi Vallabhaya Dheemahe
Thanno Krishna Prachodayath.”

"Om Devkinandanaye Vidmahe
Vasudevaye Dheemahe
Tanno Krishnah Prachodayat."

Yam Brahmavarunainder Rudermarukaa Satuanvanti Divya Satvavedaai
Sans Pad Karmopanishadaaegarayanati Yam Samga I
Dhyanavasthittagatain Mansa Pashayanti Yam Yogino Yasyanatam Na Vidu
Surasurganaa Devaai Tasmai Namah II

Yam Brahmavarunainder Rudermaruka Satuanvanti Divyaa Satvaavedaai Sans Pad Karmopanishadaaegarayanati Yam Samga I
Dhyanavasthittagatain Mansa Pashayanti Yam Yogino Yasyanatam Na Vidu Surasurgana Devai Tasmai Nama II

Tavamaksharam Paramam Vaideetvayam Tavamasya Vishwasaya Param Nidhanam I
Tavamvayaya Shashvat Dharam Gopta, Sanatan Satayam Paursho Mato Mai II

Shree Krishna Moola Mantra

Om Krishnaya Namaha!
Sri Krishna Ashtakam

1. Vasudeva Sutham Devam Kamsa Chaanoora Mardhanam |
Devaki Paramaanandham Krishnam Vande' Jagathgurum ||

2. Adhasee Pushpa Sankaasam Haara Noopura Sobhitham |
Rathna Kangana keyooram Krishnam Vandhe' Jagathgurum ||

3. Kutilaalaka Samyuktham Poorna Chandra Nibhaananam |
Vilasath Kundala tharam Krishnam Vandhe' Jagathgurum ||

4. Mandhara Gandha Samyuktham Chaaru-haasam Chathur-bhujam; |
Parhipinjaa Vasoodaangam Krishnam Vandhe' Jagathgurum ||

5. Uthpulla Padma Patraksham Nilajimutha Sannibham. |
Yaadhavaanaam Sirorathnam Krishnam Vandhe' Jagathgurum ||

6. Rukmini Ke'li Samyuktham, Peethambara Su Sobitham; |
Avaaptha Thulasi Gaandharam, Krishnam Vande Jagathgurum. ||

7. Gopikaanaam Kusathvanthva Kunkumaangitha Vakshasam |
Srinike'tham Maheshvaasam Krishnam Vandhe' Jagathgurum ||

8. Srivatsaankam, Mahoraskam, Vana Maala Virayitham; |
Sanka Chakra Dharam, Devam, Krishnam Vande Jagathgurum. ||

9. Krishnaashtakam itham Punyam Praatha Ruththaaya Ya:pade'th|
Ko'ti Janma Krutham Papam Smaranaath Thasya Nachyathi. ||

Sri Balakrishna Mantra

Paahi Paahi Jaganmohana Krishna Paramaanandha Sri Krishna
Devaki Vasudeva Nandana Krishna Dhivya Sundhara Sri Krishna
Nandha Yasodhaa Nandhana Krishna Indhu Vadana Sri Krishna
Kundha Radhana Kutilaalaga Krishna Mandhasmitha Sri Krishna

About Trimurti-Brahma Vishnu Shiva-Hindu Trinity

Trimurti or Trinity or Brahma Vishnu Shiva

The Hindu Trimurti is a Sanskrit word also called as Trinity-three forms an English word.

In Hinduism, there is a concept that the cosmic functions of creation, maintenance, and destruction are personified by the forms of Brahma Vishnu and Śhiva respectively.

In simple terms, Hindu Trinity means,
Lord Brahma - the creator,
Lord Vishnu – the sustainer or maintainer or preserver
Lord Shiva (Mahesh) – the destroyer or transformer

These three deities have been called as "The Hindu triad" or often as the "Great Trinity” and most often addressed as "Brahma-Vishnu-Maheshvar".

One kind of representation for the Trimurti or Trinity shows three heads on one neck and often even three faces on one head that each one looking in a dissimilar direction. Means Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva (Mahesh) had three head only in one body. 

The Hindu trinity - Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, as they performs the cosmic functions of the universe, they are also aligned as the surpassing,

The Godhead - Shiva,
The cosmic lord - Vishnu
The cosmic mind - Brahma.

In regarding this they are also called as “Sat-Tat-Aum”

The Being, the Thatness or immanence and the Word or Holy Spirit. This is similar or much likes the Christian trinity of God as the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

The Trinity (Trimurti) also represents the Divine in its threefold nature and function. Each feature of the Trimurti contains and includes the others.

Each God in the trinity-Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva has his consort.

For Brahma is Saraswati, considered as the Goddess of knowledge.
For Vishnu is Lakshmi, considered as the Goddess of delight, beauty and love.
For Shiva is Parvati (Kali), considered as the Goddess of transformation, power and destruction.

These are the three major forms of the Goddess, same as the as the three major forms of the God Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.

The three Goddesses are often worshipped in their own right as well as along with their spouses (better half).

Lord Surya Dev Aarti

Lord Surya Dev Photo

Lord Surya Dev Aarti

Om Jai Surya Bhagwan,
Jai Ho Tinkar Bhagwan,
Jagat Ke Netra Swaroopa,
Tum Ho Triguna Swaroopa,
Dharata Sabahi Sab Dhyan,
Om Jai Surya Bhagwan....

Sarathi Arun Hai Prabhu Tum,
Shweta Kamaladhari,
Tum Char Bhuja Dhari,
Ashwa Hai Saath Tumharey,
Koti Kirana Pasaarey,
Tum Ho Dev Mahan,
Om Jai Surya Bhagwan....

Usha Kaal Mein Jab Tum,
Udaya Chal Aatey,
Tab Sab Darshan Paatey,
Phailaatey Ujiaara,
Jaagta Tab Jag Saara,
Karey Tab Sab Gun Gaan,
Om Jai Surya Bhagwan....

Bhoochar Jalchar Khechar,
Sab Ke Ho Pran Tumhi,
Sab Jeevo Ke Pran Tumhi,
Ved Puraan Bhakhaaney,
Dharm Sabhi Tumhe Maaney,
Tum Hi Sarva Shaktimaan,
Om Jai Surya Bhagwan....

Pujan Karti Vishayein,
Pujey Sab Ek Paar, Tum,
Bhuvno Ke Pratipaal,
Rituyein Tumhari Daasi,
Tum Shashaka Avinashi,
Shubhkari Anshumaan,
Om Jai Surya Bhagwan....

Goddess Durga Aarti

Goddess Durga Maa Photo

Goddess Durga Maa Aarti

Jai Ambe Gauri maiya, jaa Shyama Gauri
Nishdin tumko dhyavat, Hari Brahma Shivji,
Jai Ambe....

Mang sindur birajat, tiko mrigmadko,
ujjvalse dou naina, chandravadan niko,
Jai Ambe....

Kanak saman kalevar, raktambar raje,
Raktapushp galmala, kanthhar saje,
Jai Ambe....

Kehari vahan rajat, khadg khappar dhari
sur nar munijan sevat, tinke dukhahari,
Jai Ambe....

Kanan kundal shobhit, nasagre moti
Kotik chandra divakar, samrajat jyoti,
Jai Ambe....

Shumbh- nishumbh vidare, MahishaSur ghatia
Dhumra-vilochan naina, nishdin madmati
Jai Ambe....

Brahmani, Rudrani tum Kamala Rani,
Agam-nigam bakhani. turn Shiv patrani,
Jai Ambe....

Chaunsath yogini gavat, nritya karat Bhairon,
Bajat tab mridanga, aur bajat damru,
Jai Ambe...

Tum ho jag ki mata, tum hi ho bharta,
Bhaktan ki dukh harta, sukh sampati karta,
Jai Ambe....

Bhuja char ati shobhit, var mudra dhari,
Manvanchhit phal pavat, sevat nar nari,
Jai Ambe....

kanchan thal virajat, agaru kapur bati
Malketu men rajat, kotiratan jyoti,
Jai Ambe....

Goddess Gayatri Aarti

Goddess Gayatri Maa Photo

Goddess Gayatri Maa Aarti

Jayati Jaya Gaayatri Maataa
Jayati Jaya Gaayatri Maataa

Aadi Shakti Tum Alakh Niranjana
Jaga Paalana Kartri
Duhkha Shoka Bhaya Klesha
Kalaha Daaridrya Dainya Haratri. 1

Brahma Rupini Pranat Paalini
Jagad Dhaatru Umbay
Bhava Bhaya Haari Jana Hitakari
Sukhada Jagadumbay .2

Bhaya Haarini Bhava Taarini Anaghay
Aja Aananda Raashi
Avikaari Aghaari Avichalita
Amalay Avinaashi. 3

Kaamdhenu Sata Chita Anandaa
Jaya Gangaa Geetaa
Savitaaki Shaashwati Shakti
Tum Saavitri Sitaa. 4

Rig Yaju Saama Atharva Pranayini
Pranava Mahaa Mahimay
Kundalini Sahasraar Sushumnaa
Shobhaa Guna Garimay. 5

Swaahaa Swadhaa Shachi Brahmaani
Raadhaa Rudraani
Jaya Sata Roopa Vaani Vidyaa
Kamalaa Kalyaani. 6

Janani Hum Hain Deena Heena
Duhkha Daaridrya Kay Ghayray
Yadyapi Kutila Kaputa
Tau Baalaka Hai Taray. 7

Sneha Sami Karuna Maya Maataa
Charan Sharana Lijai
Bilakh Rahay Hum Shishu Suta Teray
Dayaa Drashti Kijai. 8

Kaama Krodha Mada Lobha
Dambha Durbhaava Dwesha Hariye
Shuddhi Buddhi Nishpaapa
Hradaya Muna Ko Pavitra Kariye. 9

Tum Samartha Saba Bhanti Tarini
Tushti Pushti Tratta
Sat Marag Par Hamen Chalao
Jo Hai Sukhdata. 10

Jayati Jaya Gayatri Maataa
Jayati Jaya Gayatri Maataa

Prayer for Lord Vishnu-Shantakaram Bhujagashayanam

Lord Vishnu

Prayer for Lord Vishnu

shaanta-kaaram bhujaga-shayanam 
padma-naabham suresham
vishwa-dhaaram gagana-sadrisham
megha-varanam shubhaangam.
lakshmi-kaantam kamala-nayanam
vande vishnum bhava-bhaya-haram 


I adore Lord Vishnu
who is the embodiment of peace,
who lies on the Shesha serpent,
whose navel is the source of the Lotus,
whose complexion is swarthy like the clouds,
whose body shines with heavenly beauty,
who is the beloved of Goddess Lakshmi,
whose eyes are like Lotus,
who is meditated upon by the yogis,
who is the remover of the fear of the world-process.


I sing praise to Lord Vishnu.
He who has the peaceful (shaanta-)
    demeanor and visage (-kaaram).
He who sleeps and reposes (-shayanam)
    on the serpents (bhujaga-).
He who has a lotus shaped (padma-) navel (-naabham).
He who is the master and lord
    of all the gods (suresham).

I pray to the Lord Vishnu.
He who holds (-dhaaram) the
    universe (vishwaa-) in his hands.
He whose vision (-sadrasham) exceeds
    beyond all the skies (gagana-).
He whose color and visage (-varanam) is
    changeable like the clouds (megha-).
And he who is filled with goodness (shubh-)
    in every part (-aangam) of his body.

I sing praise to the Lord Vishnu.
He who is the husband (-kaantam)
    of the goddess of wealth (-lakshmi).
He whose eyes (-nayanam) are surreal
    like a lotus flower (kamala-).
And he who yogis yearn to reach (-agamyam)
    through meditation (-dhyaana).

I sing praises (vande-) to the Lord Vishnu (-vishnum).
He who removes (-haram) all our fears (-bhaya)
    due to our inborn nature (-bhava).
And he who is the master (-naatham) of the
    entire (-sarva) universe and creation (-lokaika).

To listen this prayer

Nineth Incarnation Vishnu-Buddha Avtar

Buddha Avtar

Story of Buddha Avtar

The BUDDHA ( Mahavir Buddha ) Avatar, the ninth incarnation of Lord Vishnu who emerged as BUDDHA in the Kali Yuga.   ''Buddha'' means 'the enlightened one' and he proved his name. He was the great abstainer in a form of prince who abdicated the coronation to lead the universe on the path of peace and became the founder of the BUDDHIST religion that well-known across the globe.

He was son of Suddhodana and Maya, born the crown prince of the Kapilavastu. He was named as “Siddhartha” means "All things fulfilled" by the king. After his birth in very short time his mother died. Fortunately Prajapati-the sister of Maya brought Siddhartha up.

Buddha was saddened by death of living creatures, since his days of childhood. He used to question: "Alas! Do all living creatures kill each other?" He wasn't satisfied with any answers that were given to him and he decided to find out the meaning and the absolute truth.

He taught and observed that all sorrow comes from attachments and desires, so it's better to curb all attachments in order to remain happy.

So one day he left his wife and child and decided to live as a hermit's life and went away in the forest and became the enlightened one. His sermoning spawned off the religion of Buddhism now admired across the whole world.

Lord Buddha is considered as a noble and a divine incarnation (avatar) of Lord Vishnu in assured sects of Hinduism

Eighth Incarnation Vishnu-Krishna Avtar

Krishna Avtar

The Story of KRISHNA Avatar

KRISHNA Avatar, is the eighth incarnation Lord Vishnu with his brother “Balarama” in the form of cowherd as KRISHNA who had played a vital role as a central character in the epic MAHABHARATA in the era of “Dwaparyuga”. In the major epic of Indian legends a countless of topics are covered, including brotherhood, love, war, politics etc.

It is basically the story of two warring groups of cousin brothers, the PANDAVAs and the KAURAVAs. During the war, as a main part of the Mahabahrata, KRISHNA gives a long discussion to his disciple ARJUNA that communally termed as “Bhagvad-Gita” in that he repeated his words again as he is a preserver of the Universe.

He said,
“Whenever Dharma, the situation of law and order is endangered on this world, I incarnate onto this world to re establish Dharma, truth, law and order; protect the Sadhus, sages or saints and destroy the evil elements of the earth.”

During his child-hood, Krishna became a slayer of King Kansa.  As Krishna was so charm, he captivated to all by playing flute including Gopikaas that’s why he is considered to be an ultimate Playboy but he spread the message of love and humankind. Lord Krishna, the perfect incarnation of Lord Vishnu also famed as "Shyam" according his names meaning: Krishna-black as well as charming (attractive).

This was differ than Ramayan as Mahabharata conducts with more, down to the earth issues such as human weaknesses, politics, human nature and moreover does not effort to idealize the noble characters as in Ramayan.

Lord Krishna
is the most worshiped deity and great incarnation of Lord Vishnu.

Third Incarnation Vishnu-Varaha Avatar

Varaha Avatar

Story of Varaha Avatar

VARAHA Avatar, the third incarnation of Lord Vishnu who emerged as a Varaha (boar) in the world.

A demon Hiranyaksha prayed to please Lord Brahma, and gained a boon that neither man nor god nor beast could kill him anyhow. But somehow the name of boar was missing from the list of beasts. This proved to be his big lacunae.

Hiranyaksha then began a movement of plunder crossways the Universe. He pushed the whole world to the under of the sea or the Pataal loka. The Vedas, the Holy Scriptures were stolen by him from the Lord Brahma, while he was asleep and performing enormous atrocities.

For this reason, to get back the Vedas and to keep the world on safer side the Lord Vishnu assumed the role of a Varaha (boar). Then Lord Vishnu in a form of Boar used its two tusks and brought out the earth from the under of the ocean.

The battle between the boar and Hiranyaksha took so many years, approximately thousand years but at last Boar (Varaha) won. Lord Vishnu defeated Hiranyaksha and then killed him.

Lord Vishnu in a Varaha (boar) form represented himself as being anthropomorphic or either purely animal as it had man’s body but boar’s head. He retrieved the all Vedas from the demon (asura) and put it to the safely in the custody of the Lord Brahma.

In the form of Varaha, had four arms, from which the two hands hold the wheel and conch-shell. Other two hands hold mace and lotus (or sword). That was the really very nice posture in blessing form. The entire earth was held only supported by boar’s tusks.

This incarnation of Lord Vishnu in Varaha avtar represents the restoration of the earth from a deluge (pralaya) and the constitution of a new cycle (kalpa).

This boar incarnation is to be considered to establish a creation myth.

Incarnation of Lord Vishnu Wallpapers

Dashavatar of Lord Vishnu Wallpaper

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Dashavatar Wallpaper

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10 incarnation of Hindu God Vishnu Wallpaper

Dashavatar of Lord Vishnu Wallpaper    Dashavatar Wallpaper    10 incarnation of Hindu God Vishnu Wallpaper   10 incarnation of Hindu God Vishnu Wallpaper    Vishnu-Dashavatar Wallpaper    Wallpaper of Incarnation of Lord Vishnu in different pose     10 Incarnation of Lord Vishnu Wallpaper   Incarnation of Lord Vishnu

10 incarnation of Hindu God Vishnu Wallpaper

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Vishnu-Dashavatar Wallpaper

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Wallpaper of Incarnation of Lord Vishnu in different pose 

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10 Incarnation of Lord Vishnu Wallpaper

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Incarnation of Lord Vishnu

Dashavatar of Lord Vishnu Wallpaper    Dashavatar Wallpaper    10 incarnation of Hindu God Vishnu Wallpaper   10 incarnation of Hindu God Vishnu Wallpaper    Vishnu-Dashavatar Wallpaper    Wallpaper of Incarnation of Lord Vishnu in different pose     10 Incarnation of Lord Vishnu Wallpaper   Incarnation of Lord Vishnu

Incarnation of Vishnu Images

Dashavtar of Vishnu Image

Incarnation of Vishnu Image

10 Avatars of Lord Vishnu Snap

Dashavatar Incarnation Vishnu Picture